Title: Art for "We'll Take Manhattan"
lachatblancheFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: T
Notes: The lovely story was written by
lachatblanche and though I wish I had been able to do more art for this fantastic story, it is one beautiful romance that shouldn't be missed. Thanks go to the wonderful writer who motivated me to draw more Merlin fan art and has been the most patient with my snail pace work. I would like to send thanks again to
the_muppet for organizing a wonderful event. Also, I tried to make this fan art a bit more realistic since the theme of the story takes place in the 1960s. Hope you all enjoy the art and feel free to hog the comments sections of both the art and story to let us know what you think of them.
On to the art....
Story Master Post Chapter/Section Images
Arthur is a photographer and I just had to draw the camera he uses to help divide the sections up. The images change slightly to accommodate different aspects of Arthur and the stages of the story.
Cover/Main Image
"The eyes, Arthur, Igraine had always told her son. It’s the eyes that you want to capture. Always look at the eyes, my love - they will tell you everything that you need to know."
Once more I combined elements and scenes in the story into a collage. This was also done with the idea of a cover or movie poster in mind. This image was very fun to draw and at the same time took forever to get the images just in the locations I wanted them.
Arthur as a Child
"Through the confusion and uproar and Morgana’s screams and Uther’s pale, shaking frame he could only remember the one thought going through his head, his eyes fixed on the floor where they had been throughout the entire incident."
Drawing Arthur as a child has always been a thing I wanted to draw and yet something that scared me even more then drawing my first Merlin fan art ever. The image behind him is suppose to be in front of him, but I wanted to give a sense of burden on his shoulders and something he couldn't face, express the intensity of him not being able to look up.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my second try at Merlin fan art!