Title: She Dreams in Color
Author: Vanagonne
Characters: Lee, Hera, Kara
Summary: Set after the finale. Much, much after.
He heard the crunching of leaves behind him and he knew it was her. She was the only one who visited him anymore.
Her hand lightly rested on his shoulder, crouching next to him in front of the stream.
“Hey Hera.”
“Hey Lee.”
She dipped her other hand into the water, nails scraping across fine dirt.
“Your dad know you’re here?” he asked, squinting at her profile.
Her cheeks dimpled, never losing the fullness of her youth, “You know he doesn’t.”
Lee nodded slowly, turning his attention back to washing his hands in the warm water.
“I don’t mind though…” she nudged into his shoulder with hers, letting her hand fall away from him, “She gives me dreams all the time and they aren’t mine to keep.”
He swallowed hard, voice cracking, “And have you been able to send anything back?”
She reached up and touched his jaw, sadness in her voice, “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying for years. She hasn’t let me know she has received anything. I wish I knew how…”
He turned away from her touch, “I know. Don’t apologize…” he sighed heavily, “This is why your father wants you away from me. I almost wish she’d stop communicating with you.”
“I don’t. She has a beautiful mind. I wish I could show you instead of tell you about the things she sends through me to you. My dreams are dull without her colors.”
He yanked gently at one of her long tendrils, offering a crooked half smile, “I wish I could see it too.”
She leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering closed when his palm cupped her cheek. She spoke in a whisper, “She wants to make sure you’re well. Last night she showed me more. Music and light. Your smell and touch. I don’t have words to tell you really…”
His thumb ran across her cheekbone, closing his own eyes.
“It’s so hard Lee.”
“Don’t…” he murmured.