Everybody's Favorite Service: LoudTwitter!

Dec 29, 2008 06:01

  • 09:29 another day, another attempt to get rid of windows #
  • 11:33 hackintosh up and running for about 45 minutes now with no lockups. Network's not working, but I think I'm just going to go buy a new NIC. #
  • 12:07 installed network driver, rebooted, lockups are back. Fuck. #
  • 12:58 hackintosh is fail. Not going to bother any more with it. Got a working network driver for ubuntu, sticking with that until I get a new mac. #
  • 13:53 working through the emacs peepcode on my shiny new ubuntu install #
  • 14:13 can't believe I'm saying this, but it would be kinda nice to be able to see twitter and irc while I'm in emacs. I'm doomed. #
  • 16:01 starting to remember how much I like x-chat #
  • 17:53 reeaaaaaaaaaallllllllyy wishing that I wasn't locked out of my colo box at the moment #
  • 18:39 Watched the first half of Crash then paused to eat... haven't gone back, not sure I will. #
  • 20:04 okay, that's enough fucking around with my computer. I need to write some code. Have had an idea for a processing sketch floating around... #
  • 22:32 holy shit I just tried to C-x C-c out of vi #
  • 22:36 hi2u from emacs. Still kinda surprised I'm doing this :P #
  • 22:39 in much less nerdy news, my sister gave me some Trader Joe's oreos that have peppermint in the filling. They are, in a word, amazing. #
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