Don't try to understand it.. it's not even a Freudian Slip

Nov 08, 2005 23:10

Sleep is for the wicked ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ahumblenarrator November 8 2005, 20:49:32 UTC
damn women your good at writing poems.
here's my limerick:
I drink coffee to keep me awake
I need it for all that’s at stake
With out caffeine I would probably crash
All my stress would give me a rash
So hand over that coffee, so I will awake!

i am so bad at poetry!!


vandalized_soul November 9 2005, 11:59:03 UTC
your last entry was by far one of the best poems ever written...
you're awesome when you don't have to conform to structure, from what i can tell. like really awesome.
and that wasn't bad. it was comical. j'aime.


ahumblenarrator November 9 2005, 12:47:18 UTC
i told my writers craft teacher that, and she said i had no choice, i had to write some structured poems.


vandalized_soul November 9 2005, 12:51:17 UTC


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