Name: Elise~! ^_^
Age: Just recently turned 20!
Gender: Female, of course!
A few of your strengths: Comical, clever, loyal, great listener, big heart
A few of your weaknesses: I can be prone to be jealous, I'm also insecure but I really don't let that show, REALLY vain, dependant on my sister
1.) Abandonment, either by death of loved one or left totally alone
2.) Afraid of losing all my memories
Likes: Martial arts, fashion, acceptance, comedies, animals, lounge music, exploring, music, anime, being able to live my own life how I want it to, pwning boys on video games, being a fighter, WWE (Wrestling), saving people mentally and/or physically, I really love makeup..and looking all pretty, but don't let that fool you. I'd totally pwn anyone anytime. Bwahahaha. Rubbing my cheeks on my younger girl cousins like a cat, (waaait...that sounds totally weird...LOL) and my big natural boobs. o_o....;;;
Dislikes: male chiovionist pigs, ego maniacs, parasites, being bossed around like some slave. Feeling weak and helpless, kids who don't know the real meaning of martial arts(and they think they're all bad. I'll beat them with one hand behind my bad and eyes closed, wench!) bad hair cuts, being confused, meek and shy girls, emo kids(try living in Ethiopia, bub. I bet you won't find any emo kids there.)People who can't make up their minds most of the time.
High or low self-esteem? SOOOOO high, everest esteem. I bow down to no man.
Leader or follower? Hrrrm..I can be both, but I'd like to be a follower most of the time, but if there's someone who is more equipped to so do, then do it! hehe
Pessimistic or optimistic? Oooh, tough. I'm optimistic 98.9% of the time. I only worry if something terrible has happened to someone I know and care.
High, medium, low or non-existant energy level? Medium to high. I'm mostly medium, because I don't want to ruin my pretty hair.
Your personality in a word? Passionate.
Favourite colour: I like all colors.
Favourite episode (explain if possible): I liked it when Gasco came back. I got all teary eyes and whatnot. She's one of my favorites!
Favourite character: A tie between Jura, Gasco and B.C. I love women ...err..(those ladies and transgendered guy) who don't take crap from people and who are strong but still care for others. And Jura reminds me of me too much. We both like our boobs. lol.
Anything else: Are they really test tube babies? o____o;;;