I have not done one of these in, like, a year.
It's 1am, there is no more tea, and I have written another 10,000 words of back-story and character sheets this week.
1. First thing you did this morning?
This feels like a primary school English assignment: "The first thing I did this morning was..." Drive to Brighton, go to library. Marvel at irony of how the "creative writing" section of a library amounts to one whole shelf. And there are no books on anything vaguely related to the writing or structuring of novels. DEATH TO BRIGHTON LIBRARY, I said. In order to cure myself of this, I went to the YA section and picked up The Bermudez Triangle, City of Ashes, Extras, and all three Midnighters books, and life was good again. Have already finished TBT and Extras. I think I have a problem.
As an extra thing: The first thing I did not do this morning was to lick the new car radio we have in order to show my appreciation. My parents and I had this conversation after Portsmouth, The Victory, and an unfortunate incident with a cannon.
2. Last thing you ate?
Disgusting/delicious "chicken"-flavoured SuperNoodles. With chopsticks. By which I mean I used chopsticks to eat it, not "I'll have chicken noodles with a side of grated chopsticks, please." Because that would be weird, and not all that tasty.
3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
My cell phone is pink. It has hidden flowers etched into it, as well as a matching screensaver and wallpaper, and it plays music to me. If it were legal I would marry my phone, it that that not-crap.
4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 months?
When is six months time? What month are we in now? Why must you ask me these terrible thinky-questions?
I may not know what month it is, but I do know that November contains NaNoWriMo, bonfire night, one of two possible parties in Oxford, parties in Leeds for Catrin's 20th birthday, and taking my first aid qualification amoung other things, so I will just go with "I am most looking forward to the fine month of November."
Now, could someone please point me to a callender?
5. What's annoying you right now?
6. What's the last movie you saw in a theatre?
District 9. I did not enjoy it hugely until I was out of the cinema, except for one point where a guy in a mech fires a pig at another guy and caises him to fly into a building. Yes, you read that right. Fred, Jake and I laughed. The rest of the cinema started hurtfully at us. These things happen a lot to our trio. You get used to it.
Once we got out and actually started talking about the film I liked it a lot more; it is very different to almost everything I have ever seen and it takes me a while and a lot of discussion to warm up to new things.
DIstrict 9 = highly reccomended! Just don't laugh at the pig.
7. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
Do I believe in them? As in, do I believe they exist? Sure, I'm sure someone somewhere has had one. Oh wait, I've had one. Guess I believe in them then. Do I believe in them as in, do they work for me? Um. No. I swing wildly between jealousy/obsession and "aloof, unavailable ice-cream" -ness. That is tricky enough to deal with when you see me all the time, let alone try to handle it when I'm nowhere to be found!
8. When was the last time it rained?
Today. On me. My jeans? Most unimpressed. My books? Shielded by my glorious
marmalade_fish bag. Awesome.
9. Is there someone you miss?
There are, in fact, many people that I miss. This is a slightly bemusing feeling since I have never before liked so many people at the same time. I am the crazy hermit! Damn all of you wonderful, shining people; Making me like you and then going away again is most inconsiderate. I demand the christmas holidays (heralding the return of Sussex people, and the London Darlings), and also MOAR MARMFISHERY.
10. Who was the last person you texted?
Jake, advising him to get a hook.
11. If you could put together a concert of 5 bands or artists who would it be?
Right this very second I would probably have to pick the old stand-bys: Bad Religion, Placebo, Beck, Ani DiFranco and Stephen Lynch.
... On second thoughts, could you imagine the carnage if you were to place Ani DiFranco (vaguely-militant feminist folk-rock) with Stephen Lynch (comedy specifically written to make you a feel and seem like a Terrible Person while you are listening/singing to it, but you won't care because you'll be too busy pissing yourself laughing) in the same building? Oh dear.
12. Song that sums up your love life?
For the entertainment value I'll say... Kate Nash's Pumpkin Soup. Because I am a lot like that song, and quite okay with that. Viva la Jones-sisters' comitment phobia!
13. What are a few things you wish you were better at?
Sleeping, living without caffiene, going to that "outside" place, not being insane (sometimes. Mostly it is very entertaining.)
14. If you could be anywhere this second, where would it be?
Laying on a hot, sunny beach with my friends while a hot poolboy brings me drinks and my friends throw things at me for not imagining them some hot topless waitresses.
15. What's your most vivid memory from year 7?
Throwing a potato at our new form tutor (our first one was awesome and then left after like a month) because she refused to learn my name properly. Why was there a potato close at hand in our form room? I really have no idea. It was an art room, and food tech was across the quad. But then, everything about that school was a little weird. Any school that requires a letter from your vicar prior to accepting you is going to be a little strange, isn't it? (Incidentally, it's the same high school that Victoria Beckham went to. And we had the same (private) singing teacher. And she shopped at the same dance shop as me. No, really.)
16. Latest addiction?
Maureen Johnson. Okay so maybe more of a re-addiction because someone gave me a copy of 13 Little Blue Envelopes just after it was released in the US, and I read that book until it fell apart in Greece and I buried it at sea. I never read anything else of hers until this week, when I have read 13LBE again, followed by Girl at Sea and now The Bermudez Triangle today. Suite Scarlett will be arriving next week, postal strike permitting.
My love for what I will tenatively refer to as "YA chick lit" is no great secret, but it does get me mocked. A lot. But the love endures! Go read these books.
17. Have you ever had the urge to kill someone?
Well, yes. I once tripped someone into traffic, which would have worked out better if there had been any traffic. In my own defense, I was seven and the person in question had broken my toy lightsaber. Vengance was nessecary.
18. How many people would you say are interested in you?
I think most of them are interested in the sense that standing on the other side of a bulletproof screen and poking a monkey on cocaine would be interesting. Except I am not on that kind of coke, and real life rarely comes with bulletproofing. Beware!
19. What do you love doing?
20. Do you think someone thinks about you daily?
I feel that life should be like blogging: you ought to get a ping every time someone thinks about you, and a trackback when they talk about you, so that you can in effect stalk yourself. I think that would be awesome, at least for a while.
21. Who was the last person you saw or talked to?
Well, I saw and talked to my Mum; but I texted Jacob. Ah, the twisty ambiguities of the English Language! She is such a whore.
22. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A disco ball. They are shiny. I would like to be shiny.