That's a really good photo. I wish I was better with a camera; I pretty much only know how to turn the flash and timer off and on, and play with the zoom and macro, on my digital.
Trust me, this one was the exception. Out of 50 photos I took last night, there were maybe 5 that I was happy with. This one was one of the best.
I've been moving away from the Auto mode so I have more control over the flash and shutter speeds, but I don't have a steady hand. So, slower shutter = more blurry shots than clear ones for me. But ever so often, I get lucky.
Comments 2
I've been moving away from the Auto mode so I have more control over the flash and shutter speeds, but I don't have a steady hand. So, slower shutter = more blurry shots than clear ones for me. But ever so often, I get lucky.
And thanks! :)
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