Tenative Title: FMA On High Anime: Full Metal Alchemist Song: "Bouncing Off The Walls" by Sugarcult Summary: I can sum it up in three words: FMA on crack.
The Good: The song was very bouncy and you really edited the clips together well with the beat. I really enjoyed the effects that you used. Normally, I don't go for the flashy kind but they really fit in with this type of video. I especially liked the photo of Mustang as 'Useless' and the floating frames at the end really built on the song and led you through the end.
I also think you should be commended on your lip syncing. I've tried it before and I think it is really hard to do, but you made it look so effortless.
The (not so) Bad:Let me say that everything I am going to list is completely forgivable and didn't make me like the video any less, but you did ask to be nitpicked
( ... )
To The Good: Well, if I made someone who doesn't like flashy videos like it, well, that's good xD And believe me, once you spend 30+ hours on a trailer vid for competition, you learn how to lipsync pretty damn well o.O;;
To The "Not So" Bad: To the 1:51-If you have any ideas on what I could do to replace that scene, I would be eternall grateful >>;; Almost all the "trigger" scenes are depressing, so yeah...And yeah, I asked you to nitpick, so there we go xD
To The Overall: Well, I'm glad that it's considered "good" and that you liked it!
To the 1:51-If you have any ideas on what I could do to replace that scene
hmmm...the lyric is I've got my finger on the trigger and you're in my way, right? SO, lets see...
If you want to stick with a direct interpretation, did you try the scene where Riza's "housebreaking" her dog? There's a gun in that.
If you want to go with a vague interpretation, maybe the scene of Winry Vs the Train with Ed screaming like a girl in the back seat. trigger=danger; train = danger, that's how I see it. Plus, there is that crescendo in the music that you could work really nicely with.
If you just want to ignore the lyrics altogether, I can think of a few CRACK scenes that weren't in the first: -Winry begging Ed to take her to Rush Valley -Anything when Havoc attempts to date Armstrong's sister -The boy's fishing and training with Izumi on the island
I agree with someone elses's statement, it's so nice to see a Happy cheerful FMA AMV, The fandom's so wound up in angst unfortunatley people sometimes forget about the lighter side of it ^-^
Comments 27
How'd ya do that? =O
Umm...in short: DVDs+expensive equipment+right software+lots of time+music=amv. That's the VERY simplified version ^^;
The Good:
The song was very bouncy and you really edited the clips together well with the beat. I really enjoyed the effects that you used. Normally, I don't go for the flashy kind but they really fit in with this type of video. I especially liked the photo of Mustang as 'Useless' and the floating frames at the end really built on the song and led you through the end.
I also think you should be commended on your lip syncing. I've tried it before and I think it is really hard to do, but you made it look so effortless.
The (not so) Bad:Let me say that everything I am going to list is completely forgivable and didn't make me like the video any less, but you did ask to be nitpicked ( ... )
Well, if I made someone who doesn't like flashy videos like it, well, that's good xD And believe me, once you spend 30+ hours on a trailer vid for competition, you learn how to lipsync pretty damn well o.O;;
To The "Not So" Bad:
To the 1:51-If you have any ideas on what I could do to replace that scene, I would be eternall grateful >>;; Almost all the "trigger" scenes are depressing, so yeah...And yeah, I asked you to nitpick, so there we go xD
To The Overall:
Well, I'm glad that it's considered "good" and that you liked it!
hmmm...the lyric is I've got my finger on the trigger and you're in my way, right? SO, lets see...
If you want to stick with a direct interpretation, did you try the scene where Riza's "housebreaking" her dog? There's a gun in that.
If you want to go with a vague interpretation, maybe the scene of Winry Vs the Train with Ed screaming like a girl in the back seat. trigger=danger; train = danger, that's how I see it. Plus, there is that crescendo in the music that you could work really nicely with.
If you just want to ignore the lyrics altogether, I can think of a few CRACK scenes that weren't in the first:
-Winry begging Ed to take her to Rush Valley
-Anything when Havoc attempts to date Armstrong's sister
-The boy's fishing and training with Izumi on the island
And that's all I got. I hope it helps.
Don't worry, begging!Winry shall appear in another comedy vid I'm working on...
FMA is so full of crack it's just hidden =P
Awesome job on this~ ^^
I'm glad you liked it and that I made your day~!
I'm impressed. ^-^
good job! <3
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