The Lost City is a movie adapted from a 1967 novel by Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Cuban exile.
It is a love story about Cuba durring the time it was transitioning from the corrupt rule of Batista, to the opression of Castro.
It was directed and stars Cuban-born Andy Garcia (Oceans 11, Godfather III).
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Comments 3
oh Nessie, great review. words cannot describe properly what this movie has done. How it has affected every Cuban born in Cuba or in America, and how it has properly displayed everything for everyone to see! it was simply amazing......
i have no words to discribe how deeply it impacted me.
i didn't even know there was such a movie! Is it in theatres? I want to see it. I have lately been missing cuba a whole lot. :-(
I'm gonna try to watch the dvds next week :-)
Viva CUBA!!!
And actually the movie had a limited release, so its not playing in G-ville, you'd have to come to Miami ;o)
but it comes out on DVD in August i think.
Hollywood hasn't had a good reaction to it, because it shows the truth.
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