Hello, how are you? <- genuine question, not just a greeting.
I hope you are well. Uncle Paul sent me this picture of myself with Picasso the dolphin, and since the experience was so awesome I wanted to share the picture with the rest of you.
.here is
the pic
The biggest news for today is that Juan and I have a neice, Helena Gomez Bolio. Juan's sister, Paulina had her baby at 1AM last night / this morning, and I haven't met her yet but I'd like to meet her today.
I'm still pealing from last weekend's adventures with the Shermans and the dolphins in Cancun. I saw the movie The Wrestler on Wednesday night, and it was shot pretty much all in New Jersey, including Robert Wood Johnson hospital and Asbury Park beachwalk. But those mexicans who haven't been to New Jersey have trouble understanding after seeing all those pictures of snow that it can still get very hot there in the summertime.
Have a nice weekend!