My favorite line of ALL season and honestly- just shy of "I knew you'd understand!" for the series: "Oh absolutely! Just put the knife down -STAB ME IN THE NECK-" OMG the pure sex of that. UGH! AHHHH! So... unf, I'm fucked up, but that's still hot to me. XD *fans self* AND the fanservice, oh good golly ms. molly... Morgan/Garcia, Garcia/Kevin (damn!), Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Reid... <3<3<3<3<3 OT3 <3<3<3<3<3 XD Too much love for words. Favorite episode of the season, moreso than Corizon, and I liked that one, and the Middle Men one... but, bah, yeay a good episode! Finally. I also appreciate Reid actually putting the smackdown on their bullshittitry.