Title: Can't Breathe
sorrydreaming who was kind enough to fix this up for me. Thank you.
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam/Dean or Dean coveting Sam.
04-Love's rockPrompt(s): #24 Covet
Rating: PG
Word count: 132
Disclaimer: I do not own the Supernatural series or characters. I only own this story.
Summary: A poem meant as Dean's POV.
Warnings/Author Notes: A poem about Dean's feelings early on. This is written with
Sam blamed it on the laughter in mind and is sort of a companion piece. Can be read alone but I plan to make this a 'verse so I suggest reading the other one too. This Written for
spn_30snapshots Can't Breathe
To covet one‘s brother,
his voice, his touch-
how sick can one really be?
I know how I got here,
but why me?
Is this who I’m supposed to be?
His voice, like safety;
his touch, like magic.
My mind is going crazy.
I should leave, but somehow I can’t.
My life is chained to him,
I can’t breathe without him.
Every step away from him
makes me feel less like me,
so I stay close.
I know he needs me, so I won’t leave,
but I don’t think he realizes
that I’m so dependent upon him.
So I try to hide my love,
my need, my sorrow
and pretend I don’t covet my brother.
I’m scared he’ll completely disown me
if he ever finds out
that he really doesn’t know me.