Title: Drunk and in love. (Part2 in "Everything and More" 'verse.)
sorrydreaming Character(s)/Pairing: Sam/Dean. Mentions of Dean/OMC
04-Love's rockPrompt(s): #7-kiss
Rating: NC-17
Word count: -150
Disclaimer: I do not own the Supernatural series or characters. I only own this story.
Summary: The boys are drunk, and have confessed there love. Let's kiss.
Warnings/Author Notes: A sequel drabble to
Delusional Sam is a tease. There will be more, this is just a little piece in-between. A part of "Everything and More" 'verse. Written for
spn_30snapshots Drunk and in love. #7- kiss. Part2 in ‘Everything and More’ ‘verse.
“I want you, Dean.” Sam said in between his sloppy kisses to Dean’s neck.
“I’ve wanted you for so long. And when I saw you fucking that guy tonight, I just couldn’t wait anymore.” Dean moaned as Sam slid Dean’s shirt up and took it off.
“Only did that because you were teasing me all day.” Dean struggled to get the words out as Sam sucked and nipped at his nipple.
“First wiggling your naked ass around, and then that guy started hitting on you and I just... I guess I sorta’ lost it. Then that guy came, and he was willing and convenient.
Sam started kissing his way back to Dean’s mouth. Dean grabbed Sam’s hair and gently pulled him up so their eyes met.
“I’m sorry, Sammy,” Dean said. Then, he kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him.