Between Embarcadero and San Antonio on Bayshore, there is a trail along a small canal that goes to the baylands, if you in the other direction, you end up under 101, then walk out on the side of the canal in the middle of residential PA neigborhood. Just before townhouses start, you can see the station on your right and egrets on your left. If you walk about 500 yards you will hit the gate to the some quiet PA street. The gate is always closed, so I am not sure you can get in from that side. Under 1010 overpass thousands of swallows nest on the ceiling in the dark...
slushai, ya uzhe sprashival ili net pro 470? Mi poxozhe uchilis' v odnoy shkole i dazhe peresekalis'. ya bil 7a-8a klass 87-88-89 i fakul'tativi v FTSH (566). Matematik Aleksey Nikolayevich. Est' peresecheniya? :)
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