Oracle Society: The Stonehenge Massacre

Feb 01, 2015 17:50

And The Oracle Society faces off against their Third Season Finale!   The Stonehenge Massace.

Who has been funding and running these rituals across the globe?  What are there horrible plans?  And when one of the Society members can't make it, will the group survive??

So the party headed off to Stonehenge to find out what was going on, just as a great sudden storm started to form over England.  Not to worry, everyone was sure that the lightning was purple due to opticual illusions.  And the fact that there was a huge uptick in nightmares, psychic headaches and hauntings was just a coincidence.

And to make things more fun one of the players couldn't make it, so the party was down their magic-user.  (Dang British custom officers were being difficult was the official in-game explanation)

But as they say about charging in where angels fear to tread the Society charged forward.  They soon discovered that Stonehenge had been sealed off for "renovations", but in reality a large crowd of people was up there, all lying around in various states of distress, blood leaking from their ears.

Since the group had managed to just miss whatever happened they moved up to investigate and aid those they couldn't.  And here they ran into the first gaurdian...a woman stood up and screamed.  Alas, it was not an ordinary woman but a full blown Banshee and the scream knocked two of the party out right at the top.  But they rallied and managed to put down the undead fairie.  Getting the fallen comrades back to their feet they discovered that the ritual had been completed, unfortunately for the cultists.  Three men lay scattered about, one smothered by a finely made business suit strangely made out of gold, one headless body laying with blood and bits splattered all over the stones behind it and a young man in a very expensive suit, laying behind an overturned walker.
Even as the PCs came up to the young man he had already become 3 years younger, and quickly they found out the various victims were among the richest men in the world.  The Logic Foundation (ie the totally-not Bilderbergs honest) had indeed managed to rip open three dimensional portals and summoned up three Djinn.  With the capability of granting full-powered wishes.

Unfortunately when you wish for all the wealth, all the knowledge and all the youth to not-terribly-impressed Genies they have some fun.
So the Oracle Society went to work closing the three still-open dimensional anchors...which promptly summoned some of the Genies back.  To get rid of them, the Techie had to translate ancient Assyrian and then read the spell backwards.  While the angry Jann (and later a Marid) were trying to beat their way to him and stop him.  No problem at all!
Although it did help the Techie was able to use an OCR program on his PDA to do the translating for him.

Dropping the first two proved to be easy.  As they tried to read the third spell and banish the last one, it was stolen away underneath Stonehenge to a world of strange underground tunnels.   Giving chase the group soon found themselves trailing behind a small man with bluish/white  skin, small horns, a white beard, clawed hands and a very strong ability to leap.

Pushing past the odd tunnels and strange doors, the group found themsevles standing over Springheel Jack in the middle of a British Tube station (the old British Museum one to be exact) and discovered just why they were fairie folk were helping the Djinn.
The last Jann had allied with thier old friend:  The Fairie Queen.    Niether of whom were at all happy to see the Oracle Society mucking things up again.

With an unusual amount of guile the Techie managed to sneak off and begin reading the final spell.  Leaving the rest of the Society stuck trying to hold off an angry Djinn King and The Fairie Queen.  Alas the spell was completed before any PCs were killed.

With the last of the Djinn sent away the Fairie Queen yelled about how she would totally get her revenge...

Fun fact: The last battle was actually supposed to be The Fairie Queen hitting the group with a massive time-slowing spell, locking them forever in place as they completed their plans.  But without the wizard the PCs would have been basically screwed, so the more physical fight in the subway station was added at the last minute.
Still, anytime one can work in abandoned tube stations, angry Assyrian legends ~and~ Stonehenge?  Total win.

oracle society

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