This... seems a bit wrong.
Which Animaniacs Character are You?
"You are inquisitive to the point of getting trampled, run over, and blinded, on a daily basis. "
"It could be due to your scientific nature. You long to learn how things work."
"Because you really like to know things, but are prone to getting hurt."
"Because, if it wasn't for others generally taking the fall for you, you might well be dead by now! Remember, curiosity is great, but it also killed the cat. Well, in this case, the dog, Buttons, would probably be more appropriate."
"Okay, lady, I love you, bu-bye!"
Click here to see my Livejournal. In other news, I will be online tonight to regail my darlings with my amusing commentary. And then, tomorrow, I'm off for Louisiana! Pools! Alcohol! It's the Southern Fag-billys! Or something. Yes, New Orleans here I come! Luckilly, with a group of people that won't let me get killed or gang-raped. Damn. Oh, wait. That's a good thing.
I'll be back NEXT Thursday after my WW meeting and all that. LAAAA. That's a big worry, how to maintain the program while being down there. I've decided that, coupled with all the exercise I'll be getting from walking around and sucking cock, I mean, shopping, if I just maintain reasonable food choices I should be fine. And here we cross our fingers and pray.
So yes. Plan! Yay! *hops around* And now I go to take the Gamer Purity Test. Results forthcoming.
You scored 100 out of a possible 490.
That's 20.41% for you math-geek types. Congratulations!
11-25%: Acolyte- now you've reached level 8- it's time to learn some real magick
About fucking time!
You know, I'm not sure if this is a boost or blow to my self esteem, and that's the really sad thing.
Smooches to all