My Weekend

Feb 12, 2006 14:29

Well I actually did something relativley interesting this weekend (well not interesting, I just actually did something, besides sit around with friends).. Here's my weekend for you all:

Friday: I came home from school, and hung out with Susan, Jim and Mabelle for a little while.  Then me, Jim, Susan, DeeDee and Jim's mom went to Eastland. DeeDee ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

ITs Belia anonymous February 16 2006, 16:30:57 UTC
Hey amanda its belia. I know i havent talked to u inna while so i was just trying to get in touch wit u. I got good news, i dont live wit my mom anymore! lol i live with my aunt and uncle. And i dont go to southfield. I go to Henry Ford Academy now with my cuz Nate. Its pretty kewl. Email me when u can. plz..i really wanna hear from u...K?..

love you soooo much sweety



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