Dear Fanbitches...

Nov 16, 2007 14:01

This is long overdue and I've been meaning to say it for a while so excuse my ranty bitchness...
Why am I going off at all? I've just seen people do and say way too damn much and go too far. It makes me hate being a part of any fandom, and frankly I'm just tired of it and bitter. *doesn't hold back*

Dear all fanbitches,
Please get a life and grow a brain cell.
Please stop creating ridiculous rumors out of speculation of things you don't know shit about.
Please stop spreading said ridiculous rumor to which you have no proof of.
Please learn the meaning of respect and come to the realization that despite your delusion that you are what's hot, beautiful and charming, Jrockers do not want you stalking them, molesting them, cutting yourselves over them, or being in general creepy and psycho.
Please stop violent acts towards or threatening violence towards female friends and loved ones of Jrockers. There is probably a reason the Jrocker loves them and won't appreciate you hurting them.
Please start learning how to appreciate the Jrocker for their music, not their cock and pretty face alone. We all like cock, but there is more to life then that.
And any fanbitches that have some hot notion that so and so is racist or that so and so hates America because they don't play here, needs to learn a little something a business, management and how it's not really the artists choice where the fuck they play. If your favorite Jrocker never comes to America it's because you fanbitches won't purchase their merchandise to prove they have a large enough fanbase to make some money. And yea they need to make money, traveling to America, staying in hotels, booking the venue, food and other what not, requires money. It shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp so stfu and stop complaining when you have to pay some measly $30 for a show. You'd be lucky to pay twice that for a show in Japan, not to mention getting there if you live elsewhere.
Lastly if you are guilty of any of this, gtfo my flist because if I see anyone talking a lot of nonsense and shit, it won't be a pretty sight.
Your ever resentful and fanbitch-hating,
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