Title: Pasta
pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya x Uchi Hiroki
rating: PG-15
Summary: possessive!kame, tease!Uchi, a lot of um....sultriness. Kame knows that Uchi is his, and Uchi can't resist the taste of Kame's pasta - or maybe it's the taste of Kame he can't resist.
I wrote KameUchi! ^___^ This is inspired by...well,
ichigo_246 for always flailing over KameUchi with me and her not so subtle hint in linking me to
this article. Also,
camui_eiri , for talking to me about KameUchi tonight and encouraging me to write this quick KameUchi drabble. I love you, fellow KameUchi fans~~ <3
--- onto the drabble ---
Kame just loves it when Uchi watches him.
He knows when that happens, because conversation turns slow, quiet, and Uchi’s voice goes low when he speaks; and then Kame turns slowly, and he’ll catch Uchi looking, but Uchi never looks repentant or surprised at being caught. He knows that Kame knows that he watches him, and he simply slowly draws his gaze away from Kame for a brief moment, and flirtatiously, those eyes will flick back up to meet Kame’s again.
Kame likes being caught in Uchi’s gaze; he likes being the center of Uchi’s attention.
Kame won’t brag, but that damn spot in the center of Uchi’s gaze is fucking his - and his alone.
And perhaps, Kame is a little possessive, but that’s okay, because Uchi watches him so much that he’s probably more than aware how much Kame loves having Uchi’s eyes on him.
Loves, wants, needs…
It’s all a bit dark, and the lines between each different word meld together and sometimes, he can’t differentiate between them, but that’s all okay too, because he doesn’t need to.
Kame saunters over to Uchi, holding out the wooden spoon wordlessly, and Uchi leans forward, eyes still fixated on Kame, as he flicks his tongue over the spoon and then promptly closes his lips along the wooden surface.
“Tastes good?” Kame asks, watching Uchi’s reaction, a little breathlessly.
Uchi, without warning, dips his finger into the sauce on the wooden stirring spoon, and reaches up and Kame is soon tasting what Uchi’s fingers taste like with tomato sauce on them; he tastes what it feels like with his tongue on Uchi’s fingers.
“You tell me,” Uchi says, amused, staring up at Kame.
“Pretty good,” Kame replies, not just a little breathlessly.
Uchi merely smiles at him, bringing his fingers back to his own mouth, testing the taste again, “Yeah, I’d say so too.” He holds Kame’s gaze for a few more moments, “Pretty fucking good.”
And Kame doesn’t need to wonder why he always ends up making pasta when Uchi is over.
--- END ---
*cough* kameuchi!!! <3 i'm becoming a huge, HUGE HUGE fan of KameUchi <3 well, i was already a fan before, when they had that small moment in Shounen Club, but then they now have all these promotions from Yamanade and my love has grown XD they're just so cute XDDD And I hoped you enjoyed this, even those who don't like/never thought about Kameuchi XD