I am so freaking uber excited. I finished my last final and now all I have to do is go out in the rain (not so happy about) and turn it in, also sucks because its gonna take me more time to go downtown and come back home then tuning in the test but at least I don't have to drive down and pay for parking. So basically now I can sit back play video games and get to work on my chappys, which I will admit I started on 10 and so we'll even see if I can remember what direction I wanted to it go. probably wont so well see what kind of fun comes up. ^_^
Also I acquired some new friends which is exciting. ^_^ I will say that I update very irregularly, but I do try to at least get a chappy up each month, depends on how much time I get, but depending on how my work scheduling is going, which is absolute crap at the moment, and id I decide to have some kind of life where I am hanging out with actual people instead of the computer. I just remembered I need to get my ass back onto Final Fantasy XIV I started playing it, twice i think, then my free trail ran out and I've had no time since to play it! I still also have KH: 356(?) days and Re:Coded, as well as the Final Fantasy (Looks at UMD) Dissidia 012 ( yeah, don't even remember what I'm playing XD) if you noticed, its all basically square enix but I'm hooked I like the kick ass look of everything, and there is usually a good story line in there. So I guess if anyone knows of other games to play I would love to hear them. my systems are PS2, DSi, PSP, and Wii.....yeah I think thats all, oh and computer I guess, though I seem to suck at those most. ^_^ I know my friend Meggles got some that looked good but i couldn't/didn't get them for time/money purposes. so i'm probably gonna raid that collection.
Also before I forget, if the links I add for previous chappys are annoying I apologize it's all I know how to do. so if there are any other ways to do it that is less annoying I would love to know how, just try and explain it in the clearest, and easiest way possible because I am an IDIOT with stuff like that, I can find my way around and figure stuff out fairly well but them other things....I horribly...epiclly? eh, I fail at it. ^_^
So I hope that anyone else dealing with end of semester crap that it goes well, and probably a whole hell of a lot better then mine, and I hope to have chappy ten up soon, just can't decide on working on that or paying a game. I just don't know. so maybe I'll leave it to comments? yeah maybe thats what I'll do...........