Okay, my third and final post for the evening, I promise. But, before I go deleteing all my icons again, I figured I could at least share them with the world
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I'm feeling blah today, but that doesn't stop me from posting icons. Some are bad, some are good, and some are simply in between. Anyway, do as you wish.
Before I go back to getting yelled at by my ever-so-lovely mother, (and studying and writing a stupid paper), I just wanted to wish one of my very best friends a wonderful, happy birthday, _lilou_!! Love you, and happy birthday! :)
Name/Artist: Stephanie, vanillaglow__ Challenge topic: Rachel Green of Friends Due date: 04/08/06 Icons in this post: 15 Icons completed in total: 25/100
Okay, so in order to take my mind off some things, particularly the media, I want to start a game. I forget what it's called, but I know we used to play it at lunch every day, well, most every day
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Name/Artist: Stephanie, vanillaglow__ Challenge topic: Rachel Green of Friends Due date: 04/08/06 Icons in this post: 10 Icons completed in total: 10/100