Title: Horny Bear & kitten
Genre: Humor, Smut?, romance?
Rating: Pg for now. . nc-17 later on? idek.
Summary: Yunho spends all his money and time on a cat model, Jaejoong spends all his time finding his real Rilakkuma and collecting them.
“Ughh…” Yunho groaned as he tugged onto his erected penis roughly while staring at the cutest cat human model that he had loved since the first year of high school. The video clip that were coming from his laptop’s speakers was a brainwash version of the kitty’s ‘nyas’, ‘ughs’ and ‘mmms’.
“Fuck, so tight. I want to fuck you so badly, you’re mine!” Yunho spent all his money on the newest “Birthdays and Lingerie” photo book.
‘Oh that tease~ His playful blue eyes are staring at me and licking cream off his face~’ Yunho thought as he mentally imagined that it was his cum instead of cream that the cat was licking.
“Jae!” Yunho climaxed into his hands and panted. He quickly grabbed some Kleenex and wiped his hands. He traced his finger on the cat’s rose textured garter and stockings, then his butt and all the way up to those red pouty lips.
“Oh Jae oh Jae, why must you be so expensive? But yet, I can’t even see you in person!” Yunho whined and rubbed his cheek on the poster.
“Oh my god! I don’t even wanna know what the fuck happened before I came in here…” Changmin, Yunho’s childhood friend since he was little came in and sees Yunho making goo goo eyes, kissy faces and cooing at the newest poster that his hyung got using all his part time job money.
“It’s okay, Jaejae baby. Min’s just being mean again~” Yunho cooed and sent a death glare at his friend.
“You know what, I’ll just take this and throw it out the window so you would actually go to your job on time?” Changmin grabbed the ‘Jaejae baby’ body pillow and attempted to throw it.
“SHIM CHANGMIN! Don’t you dare! I will kill you if you threw my baby outside. Shit! It’s 5:48!” Yunho grabbed his body pillow back, tucked it in and quickly changed for his second part time job of the week.
“Oh my god, Yunho. YOU ARE FUCKING LATE AGAIN, you know what, since we need to promote for Sanrio’s bear, you could do it for both shifts, so I don’t have to hire someone and save money!” His boss laughed and pranced away to his office.
Yunho raised an eyebrow at his weird boss and looked at the bear costume that his boss was talking about. “Shit, this thing is so furry and gigantic, I’m gonna die.”
“ Gyaaaah, Rilakkuma. You’re so cute~ I wish I had a boyfriend like you! So soft and cuddly~ But oh oh! I want him to be big too if you know what I mean~” The 20 year old cat purred to his life sized teddy and cuddled against it.
“OH! Jaejae hyung~ Your stupid rilakkuma package came.. again. What the hell do you even buy from it anyways!” Junsu flung his tail in the air with annoyance and gave the package to him.
“New undies!” Jaejoong giggled like a schoolgirl and purred.
“But you have enough!” Junsu squeaked when Jaejoong pulled out the panties and examined it.
“Collection~ Rilakkuma’s so cute~” Jaejoong purred and puts the underwear into his display case.
“Jae~ Guess what?” Yoochun popped his head into the room and smiled.
“What… More Rilakkuma undies?” Jaejoong looked at him with hopeful eyes.
“They paid you so fucking much for you to just stand next to this retarded Rilakkuma costume dude! Yaaay!” Yoochun clapped his hands and did a happy dance.
“Chunnie~ I don’t have to go right?” Junsu purred at his manager / boyfriend and snuggled against him.
“Nope, only Joongie is.” Yoochun enjoyed the loud purring and ushered Jaejoong to change.
Jaejoong debuted as a model when he was 14 and became a big hit. Cat humans were created by Dr. Kim HeeChul, Jaejoong was his first successful creation. People were attracted to his cute baby face but a hint of sexiness with his feline features.
Jaejoong had never fell in love with people because they’d just want to fuck him and leave him or they’d just get bored of him after a few months.
“Chunnie~ drive me there! I wanna see Rilakkuma~” Jaejoong tugged his manager’s sleeve and pouted.
“Jae, you understand that there’s a person inside the costume…” Yoochun quirked an eyebrow at his model because whenever Jaejoong’s alone, he would catch him talking to the life sized bear in his bedroom.
“It’s Rilakkuma, I want to get married to him.” Jaejoong sighed dreamily and clipped his garter to his stockings to keep it in place and ran to get his heels.
“Joongie, don’t be stupid and hug that fake rilakkuma to death.” Yoochun sighed and followed Jaejoong to the front door.
“Joongie’s not stupid!” Jaejoong stuck his tongue out at Yoochun and pranced to the car with his lacy umbrella.
“Umma~ I wanna take a picture with bear! The bear is walking funny~” A kid pointed at the bear who was wobbling his way to the cafe.
“Let’s just go, the bear is sick.” The woman felt bad for the guy who had to wear such a big costume under such hot temperature.
“Kyaaaaaaaa! Chunnie I see Rilakkuma!” Jaejoong screeched in delight and ran after it.
“It’s Kim Jaejoong!” People saw those blond cat ears and tail waving in the air and took out their phones to film that piece of sexy thing
“Hi~ Joongie needs to get inside please~” Jaejoong pouted at all those people who blocked the entrance to the café and went teary eyed.
“Joongie can’t stay in the sun, meow.” Jaejoong’s pout went bigger, his ears drooped down and rubbed his eyes like a cat.
“Move! Move Move!” A fanboy screeched and pushed the people aside so Jaejoong could step inside the café.
“Thank you, mroawr~” Jaejoong winked at the boy and pranced into the café with his tail curling in the air with delight.
People’s noses started bleeding, hormonal boys had tents in their pants and some people just fainted.
Jaejoong paced up to the cashier and went real close the boy’s face and asked, “Where did Rilakkuma gooooo?~”
“Uh-uhh-uhm. Hee-hee~ You’re so pretty~” The boy was mesmerized by Jaejoong’s eyes and fainted.
“Mroooawr.” Jaejoong was angry because he wants to hug his fiancé, he started throwing a tantrum and Yoochun finally made it in.
“Jae! Joongie~” Yoochun didn’t like it when Jaejoong threw a tantrum… he turns very evil.
“Mroawr.” Jaejoong growled and was going to grab Yoochun and bite him.
“Oh there’s Rilakkuma!” Yoochun finally spotted that dead bear at the corner where the air conditioning system is.
“Gyah!” Jaejoong’s ears perked up and his eyes finally dilated back and giggled.
“Rila~kkuma~” Jaejoong used his sing song voice and glomped himself onto the dying bear.
“Manager, leave me alone, too hot.” Yunho groaned and tried to let air come through the air holes on the eyes and mouth
“Mew.” Jaejoong pouted and let out a disappointed sound. He pulled the chair in front of the bear and waved at him.
Yunho’s eyes were closed and tried to breathe in air as much as he could, and he blinked to see what the scraping sound on the floor was. He blinked faster to see if he was hallucinating, and he totally forgot that he was wearing his Rilakkuma costume and rubbed his eyes.
“You’re awake!” Jaejoong squealed and clapped his hands. His tail swished back and forth waiting for the bear to talk to him.
“Wh-wh-what… I-i-i-I’m not delusional… am I?” Yunho spoke and widened his eyes.
“Hai.” Jaejoong giggled and covered his face shyly. He couldn’t believe his soon-to-be-husband was so cute.
“Joongie! I know that look, and how many times do I have to tell you that there’s a person inside?!” Yoochun facepalmed his face and took off the head from the poor guy who’s probably gonna die of heat.
“CHUNNIE! YOU KILLED HIM!” Jaejoong shrieked when he saw a person with blood flowing out of his nose and his eyes closed. He shuffled to the bear and peered over to the person and poked his nose.
“Oh my god! Oh my god oh my god oh my god.” Yoochun ran to the manager of the café and dragged him over.
“Oh, Yunho. What am I going to do with you.” The manager sighed loudly and unzipped the costume, peeled it off him and threw it on the table. The waiters got ice and water and poured it on Yunho’s head.
“Wh-wha-what the fuck was that!” Yunho growled and shivered from the coldness. He saw Jaejoong right next to him with teary eyes and the blood from his nose started flowing again.
Vanilla's words; If anyone reads this, I don't even think this made sense at all. Idek what came over me. It just sounded so damn good in my head, but uh. apparently, this is a piece of shit. I hate life, I hate everything.
Life fucking sucks, idk when I'm gonna continue this, that's why I'm not even gonna post this on detox. I'd be surprised if someone read this. If you don't know what's rilakkuma, here it is ->
http://shibuya246.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/DSC_5730-1.JPG EDIT: :D, he is a lazy bear, and he has a sister named korilakkuma (idk if that's how you spell her name, but she's a white bear who likes to dress up as a strawberry :3) and .. the duck .. I forgot his name ; - ;.
Oh I think I should make a new account to match my twitter. LOLOL :D. but ; - ; yes. @Mochix3 is meh on twittuh. :D. Bai <3.