breifly mentioned charecters such as seamus, blaise, theo, lee, oliver, or neville (etc) paired with a male weasley. i like at least one of the charecters still in school.
i like sex that doesn't go right the first time around. i like someone being impulsive, and someone being more reserved, maybe closeted.
my kinks are breathplay, bloodplay, dom/sub, pygamas, humor-not-love-not-hate, omg-i-think-i'm-straight, playing card games, campy justin.
for other people, i can write any sort of weasley, or femme. i'm not good with two adults having sex, nor realistic harry/draco.
What I like: FANFICS! I like 19th century british romance novels-think Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte... Pride and Predjudice, Jane Eyre... Realistic class dramas where love blooms.
I also like breathplay, light bloodplay, light cutting, biting, scratching, mild bondage, possessiveness, cunning, wit, snark, sarcasm, and confidence.
The pairings can be yours to pick...for the most part.
FOR OTHERS: I can write fics. Slash prefered, Het possible. I am horrid at Huffle's. I dislike Gryffs... but can write some kinky kinky stuff and am a sexy sexy Slyth and Death Eater
I'll take you at your word when you mean anyone can participate. Heh...
What I like:
Harry/Draco. Hurt/Comfort, fluff, jealousy, smut and brushes with death topped off with a happy ending.
What I don't like:
Harry/anyone but Draco (and vice versa), breathplay, bloodplay, scat, character death, darkfic
What I can give:
Mostly H/D, though I wouldn't mind doing a Lily & Baby Harry genfic. Anything else, as long as it's slash, and not listed below, I can expand my creative sphere for this.
I don't write:
Harry/Snape, Harry/Ron, Ron/Draco, Snape/Draco, Snape/anyone, Dumbledore/anyone, Seamus/Draco and anything especially squicky.
Comments 24
And no slash, please. Yes, I know it's weird.
what i like:
breifly mentioned charecters such as seamus, blaise, theo, lee, oliver, or neville (etc) paired with a male weasley. i like at least one of the charecters still in school.
i like sex that doesn't go right the first time around. i like someone being impulsive, and someone being more reserved, maybe closeted.
my kinks are breathplay, bloodplay, dom/sub, pygamas, humor-not-love-not-hate, omg-i-think-i'm-straight, playing card games, campy justin.
for other people, i can write any sort of weasley, or femme. i'm not good with two adults having sex, nor realistic harry/draco.
What I like: FANFICS! I like 19th century british romance novels-think Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte... Pride and Predjudice, Jane Eyre... Realistic class dramas where love blooms.
I also like breathplay, light bloodplay, light cutting, biting, scratching, mild bondage, possessiveness, cunning, wit, snark, sarcasm, and confidence.
The pairings can be yours to pick...for the most part.
Slash, or Het welcome.
Choose characters from the list:
Draco, Harry, Seamus, Neville, Blaise, Theodore, Pansy, Morag MacDougal, Charlie, Viktor, Remus, Wood, Katie Bell, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Bella, Regulus, Sirius, Veela!Draco, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass
(NO Remus/Sirius unless it is a sub pairing)
FOR OTHERS: I can write fics. Slash prefered, Het possible. I am horrid at Huffle's. I dislike Gryffs... but can write some kinky kinky stuff and am a sexy sexy Slyth and Death Eater
What I like:
Harry/Draco. Hurt/Comfort, fluff, jealousy, smut and brushes with death topped off with a happy ending.
What I don't like:
Harry/anyone but Draco (and vice versa), breathplay, bloodplay, scat, character death, darkfic
What I can give:
Mostly H/D, though I wouldn't mind doing a Lily & Baby Harry genfic. Anything else, as long as it's slash, and not listed below, I can expand my creative sphere for this.
I don't write:
Harry/Snape, Harry/Ron, Ron/Draco, Snape/Draco, Snape/anyone, Dumbledore/anyone, Seamus/Draco and anything especially squicky.
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