that sounds like the sort of thing that would be even more H I L L A R I O U S if weed was actually being smoked at the time.
i smoked it once in eighth grade... and i didnt feel anything for about five minutes... and then it hit me like a truck... and i looked at my friend, and laughed for about 45 minutes at his eyebrows. rolling on the ground laughing.
it was awesome.
but the nash-like paranoia that ensued has kept me from ever trying it again.
Haha, yeah we don't even smoke it..that kind of made it even funnier. Kim does..and she was freekin out cuz she thought Christy and I were seriously planting a bunch of pot and stuff.
Leave it up to a pot head to believe we were serious about sending in an application..
HEY! some pot heads are quite the intellectual type. I mean, look at einstein for instance, you know he had to be a pot head. look at the unkept hair, the whole thinking about CRAZY shit all the time. you think anyone could have come up with that theory of relativity crap without drugs? lol. another sure fire way to know he is a pot head is the picture of him on all those t-shirts that have him with his tongue sticking out... :P subliminal message::---s-m-o-k-e-p-o-t-a-n-d-b-e-a-g-e-n-i-u-s---::
Comments 3
if weed was actually being smoked at the time.
i smoked it once in eighth grade... and i didnt feel anything for about five minutes... and then it hit me like a truck... and i looked at my friend, and laughed for about 45 minutes at his eyebrows. rolling on the ground laughing.
it was awesome.
but the nash-like paranoia that ensued has kept me from ever trying it again.
the end.
Leave it up to a pot head to believe we were serious about sending in an application..
subliminal message::---s-m-o-k-e-p-o-t-a-n-d-b-e-a-g-e-n-i-u-s---::
---end transmission---
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