Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why am I here?
A: Your timeline has has been corrupted and you have been taken out of the timeline due to your coming in contact with the contamination. There is also a possibly that you are the contamination. That will be determined through the events of the rp.
Q: What is this "contamination?"
A: It's something, whether it be an event, choice, or action that has been altered from it's intended Path.
Q: Path?
A: Fate determines the actions that are meant to happen and structures the universe based on that. If these events, or the Path, is altered the timeline may be destroyed. To avoid that the Daughters of Fate freeze the timeline in order to give it a chance of revival.
Q: Who are these Daughters of Fate?
A: They are the tools of Fate, and they are the ones who brought you here.
Q: Can we interact with them?
A: Yes, if you wish. There will be various NPCs you may interact with.
Q: What can I apply for?
A: Pretty much any form of fiction you wish, excluding OCs and animals. (If you want an exception talk to the mods.) The basic guideline is if it has a canon, it will work. You can also apply for alternate versions of a character as long as it's canon. For example, in DC comics there are alternate worlds with alternate versions of characters. Also if you apply for, lets say, Cloud from Kingdom Hearts there can also be a FFVII Cloud.
Q: How many characters can I app for?
A: Two to start with. Once you have started playing with these two you can request more up to 6 as long as you are able to keep them active.
Q: What can my character bring?
A: If you want any items you have to list them in the application page.
Q: What about my powers/abilities/superhuman sparkling?
A: For the most part they're either gone or very limited. You are no longer in your own world so the laws that gave your characters their skills aren't in work.
Q: Where is my character staying?
A: The Daughters will assign you a room. You may have a roommate, you may not. It is random, although you can talk to the mods about it. You may also move if you so wish.
Q: Can I bring a dead character into the RP?
A: Yes, if your character is dead in canon then they can be brought back. The shock of the breaking of the path reaches into the past, future, and realm of the dead as well.
Q: Can my character die here?
A: You are outside of time. The only way to die is if the Fates interfere.
Q: How active do I have to be?
A: As long as you're participating either by posting or replying to people's posts then there will be no problem. We ask that you at least keep up with current events in the RP. There will be activity checks however and if you haven't been able to meet the requirements for the check then we'll assume you've idled out of the game. You have a week to meet the requirements before the check is up.
Q: Can I post adult content?
A: Yes, as long as you (the player) are 15 for minor sexual content (in otherwords, no farther than kissing) or at least 18 for full sexual content (kissing and beyond). Also make sure that your post is labeled as such so other players can avoid stumbling across content that may make them uncomfortable and locked to members of the community if in log form to comply with LiveJournals TOS. Characters under 16 may not engage in smut logs.
Q: Can I hold a job?
A: If you wish, what you make of this RP is up to you. Simply contact the mods if this is an option that interests you.
Q: When does the game start?
A: July 1st.
If there are any questions not addressed here just leave a comment and we'll answer them!