This is a list of the businesses that are located on the island and are run by guest and permanent residents. To have your business added to this list, first fill out a
Business Application and the mods will discuss the logistics of your business with you.
Once that is done, please fill out the following form in a comment and your business will be added to the list.
Business Name: The name of the business
Business Owner: The character that owns the business
Business Location: What area of the island the business is located
Business Description: A brief description of the business and the services it provides or the products it sells
Business Slogan: Optional. Does the business have a slogan?
Employees: A list of employees, if all employees are NPC then list that here
Hours of Operation: Optional. The time of day that the business is open
Business Name:
Business Owner:
Business Location:
Business Description:
Business Slogan:
Hours of Operation:
da Vinci's
Owner: Leonardo da Vinci
Location: Shopping Center
Description: Art shop, taking commissions on paintings, portraits, as well as sculpture and such like.
Hours of Operation: No set hours.
hat_and_dagger--Delivery boy.
Owner: Desmond Miles
Location: Shopping Center
Description: A usual bar, specializing in cocktails.
Slogan: "I'm so sEXCITED!"
Hours of Operation: 3pm-3am
The Prancing Pony
Owner: Dino Cavallone and Helena Bertinelli.
Location: Shopping Center
Description: An Italian restaurant owned and operated by authentic Italians.
Slogan: "L'Italia aspetta (Italy Awaits)"
Hours of Operation: 9am to 1 pm, 3pm to 2am