(no subject)

Nov 22, 2006 22:42

1. My ex is... one of the people that means most to me and makes me very happy.
2. I am listening to... Blind Melon and the thoughts inside my head
3. Maybe I should... move away for awhile
4. I love... writing. Kayla. Music. Art. Love stories like Tristan & Isolde.
5. My best friend[s]... never cease to bore or amaze me
6. I don't understand... why anyone would want to live a Hollywood lifestyle
7. I lose... shit all the time
8. People say... all kinds of things, but that don't mean a damn to me
9. The meaning of my screen name is... well, msn screename is ruby throat. its a hummingbird and also a reincarnation of a couple older bands called Daisy Chainsaw and Queen Adreena. my username here is a song/album by broken social scene. listen to it and you'll understand, or so i would hope.
10. Love is... hard. But so worth it.
11. Somewhere, someone is... betraying what it means to be human.
12. I will always... be a loser and do things like play video games and be on my computer all day and research music and read encyclopedias
13. Forever seems... possible
14. I never want to... get married (but maybe I will anyway. Saying 'my wife' is strangely appealing, not that I'm into ownership.)
15. My mobile phone is... not existant yet (and hopefully never will be)
16. When I wake up in the morning... I turn on the computer and eat chocolately things
17. I get annoyed when... I see ignorance and prejudgment
18. Parties are... fun sometimes, dangerous others. I prefer gatherings
19. My fish are... long dead. Maybe I'll have some more someday soon
20. Kisses are the worst when... you're broken up
21. Today I... had something of a career success
22. Tonight I will... be hanging out with my sister and niece, playing Mario Tennis, watching "Palindromes" and then going to my lover's house
23. Tomorrow I will... be assisting my lady in finding a home of her own, and then posibly going to a movie with her
24. I really want... a few guitars. Really really.
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