new vanity

Aug 12, 2004 03:07

1) State your name, age, sex, and location in reverse alphabetical order. [age]Sixteen, [name]Misty, [sex]female, [loc.]near Cincinnati, Ohio.

2) Where were you born/Where did you grow up? Same place as i am now sadly. Cincinnati, Ohio. I've only lived in one other house in my entire life, and it is only 10 minutes away from where i live now.

3) Name your 5 favorite bands and songs of all time or right now.
a. VNV Nation // Dark Angel
b. :Wumpscut: // Deliverence
c. Suicide Commando // Necrophilia
d. Apop. // Love Never Dies
e. Zeromancer // Plasmatic

4) What school do you attend? Well i went to Kings Highschool, but for the next two years of highschool i am going to a vocational school called, Warren County Career Center, i am going there to study the intro to graphic art and hopefully find myself a career in that later on.

5) What were some big accomplishments in your life? Well i cant really think of many actually, the only one i can think of is finding who i truely am, and being happy with who i am. I used to be so discusted with myself, i hated myself. I didnt show that though, i covered it up with arrogence and bitchyness, traits which i still carry with me today, but im now not just faking it and pretending to like myself. some people call it concieted, i am just happy with who i am now. and i knwo how i am, i am very selfish, stubborn, and at times lazy. i know these arent the best qualities to have but i know i have them and i accept that now.

6) Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Hopefully happily married, and in college or just getting out having a stable job.

7) Who invited you? Where did you find out about the community? ashbites63126's user info is where i found the link.

..::`My Vanity`::..

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