Pusspuss server transferred to Seraph awhile ago, and since then I've had a few run ins with them. They have always come off to me as a complete idiot, and I would later learn, a compulsive liar
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Yo, it's Kaell. Figured I'd add a few things. I was actually one of the SoU who was on Ventrillo when Pusspuss finally decided to provide a voice behind the character...anyways long story short the voice was female. Not saying that proves anything, b/c providing a voice doesn't mean anything, you could have any female person speak on your behalf. However, I did ask some questions that I felt only Pusspuss would know, and that person with the feminine voice answered all my questions pretty quickly. So either the person was a girl, or the answers to my questions were told to the femine voiced person quickly and the feminine person spoke through Ventrillo quickly. Again, people can draw their own conclusions, however at least that part of the story I can verify is true. On a related note...becaused I, like everyone else, questioned the authenticity of Pusspuss, Puss befriended me on Myspace to prove their case. If you are interested Vann, I'll send that link your way
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I doubt I'd ever get befriended on Pusspuss' myspace, but how many different pictures of themself did they have up there, and did they all look like the same person? PM me the link on FFXIAH if their myspace is open to the public, if its not, just shows Pusspuss was again lying about me having stolen their pictures off their myspace. The pic Pusspuss uploaded onto their FFXIAH looks like a different person, or at the very most the same person but much older.
Evidence is finally coming out which supports they might not be a man, but I'm still not fully convinced they are actually the person in their pics.
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Evidence is finally coming out which supports they might not be a man, but I'm still not fully convinced they are actually the person in their pics.
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