Jul 19, 2005 01:40
now, I'm not scared of them, I don't run away screaming (like some ppl I know), or have to ask other people to kill them for me (like other ppl I know).
but I hate them. I think they're gross, and don't want them around me, and if they do come around me I feel the need to kill them as quickly as possible (w/out using my bare skin of course, eewwww.. I don't understand how some people can just squish a bug w/ their bare hands/feet. the resulting cruch and/or squish is too much for me, thank you very much but I'll pass on that experience).. I will even take extra time out of my schedule to take several minutes to hunt them down when neccissary
now, this is why I'm paranoid and twitchy. because I saw the FREAKIEST bug I think I've ever seen in my life....
....and it was in our bathroom saturday night, got away before I could kill it, and I haven't managed to spot it since (where the hell is it hiding?? how long does that mean it's been in our house and we just didn't know it? are there any more of them in their hiding place??? ..could they possibly end up working their way up to my bedroom???)
everyone tells me it must have been a silverfish, but I don't think so. why you may ask - that's because I have felt the need to try and look this up on the internet in an attempt to identify said bug (I think I'll be a little less paranoid about it if I at least know what it is and what it usually does... ...so basically when I know it's harmless and doesn't bite and/or sting humans), but all the pictures of silverfish I've found don't look like it.
it was metallic silver, long (about an inch and a half to two inches long), very thin (very wormy and wiggly, the legs blended in really well w/ the color of the floor so they were almost impossible to see, and it did kinda wiggle and undulate when it ran), and FAST!! too fast for me to get a chance to kill it. it then disappeared under the rug around the toilet, and even apon lifting said rug and shaking it I could not locate the bug. now, while I realize this description does sound like a silverfish, I did not notice anything sticking out of it's butt like they tell you to look for to identify a silverfish, and as previously stated it does not look like the pictures of silverfish I have found online (it's thinner, and like I said, I didn't see anything on it's rear end, and the descriptions of silver fish I saw listed them as being like half that length)
any information leading to the identification of said bug would be much appreciated by me.
...but I swear to god it looked like some sort of alien mind control bug straight out of some sci-fi movie or something. you know, the kind that's trying to take over the world and/or enslave the human race, in one of those movies w/ just enough budget to be able to afford a little bit of CG...
...of course I know better than to think that's what it was, since it would be kind of hard to take over the world or enslave the human race from the toilet rug in my bathroom. however, I am still kinda creeped out by it and hope to identify it (and preferably find a way to kill it) soon.