Varda: *Prod*
Gaia: another ID?
Varda: Whaaat? She didn't say how many she made?
Varda: *Thwaps mun*
Gaia: I suppose you're looking for my elfling
Varda: mmhmm
Gaia: he's over on the couch *points to where Elrohir is reading a book*
Varda: *Skips over to the couch and dumps herself next to El*
Varda: Wotcha reading?
Elrohir: a stupid book in my mun's collection
Varda:: Ahhh. What sort of stupid book?
Elrohir: its about the apocalypse done in a humorous style, very silly *turns a page*
Varda: Ahh. Silly can be good.
Elrohir: it can be at times...
Varda: Baka needs to read the Silmarillion more often.
Elrohir: my mun just needs to read it
Elrohir: her book copy is still packed away though
Varda: She's been thinking lately of joining another game but the one she's looking at already has mine, Breeze's, Elros' and the Twins' roles filled.
Elrohir: awwww
Varda: Mmm. She has been getting people mixed up
Elrohir: mmhmm *turns another page*
Varda: *Decides to curl up with her on El's shoulder*
Elrohir: *wraps an arm around Varda and puts down the book* Sorry I haven't been around much, my dear
Varda: That's okay, what with your mun so busy.
Elrohir: between family, unpacking, and trying to find a job, I hardly get any snuggle time with the ones I love
Varda: Awww, my poor boy! *Gives him a hug*
Elrohir: *snuggles*
Varda: Mmm. :)
Elrohir: You know, the CA Legolas and Erestor's relationship is more of a whirlwind than mine and Orophin's was
Varda: Isn't it just.
Elrohir: why do I have a feeling its going to end in much disaster and angst. Can I bring popcorn?
Varda: Hmm, popcorn is good.
Elrohir: expecially really greasy cheese popcorn *nodnods*
Varda: Mmm, sounds tasty
Varda: You know the drama-queening rule doesn't extend to elves. If it does end in disaster it means plenty of drama-queening.
Varda: Mmm! The next great spectator sport!
Elrohir: *giggles* we are so terrible, you know that
Varda: Not terrible, incorrigable maybe.
Elrohir: and a bit loony too
Varda: Insanity is something to be enjoyed *nodnod*
Elrohir: can't agree with you more, my dear
Varda: *Smiles and kisses El's cheek*
Elrohir: *blushes*
Varda: You always look so cute when you blush
Elrohir: *blushes deeper* stop that
Varda: *snickers*
Elrohir: *buries his head in Varda's clothing*
Varda: *Wraps her arms around El, one hand weaving into his hair*
Elrohir: Mmm...
Varda: *Rests cheek on his head while slowly combing figers through the hair*
Elrohir: I don't deserve you *sighs*
Varda: *I* think you do.
Elrohir: why can't I get over this low self worth?
Varda: I do not know... :(
Varda: *Gently pulls El back enough to give him a kiss*
Elrohir: *smiles*
Varda: *Traces the smile with one finger* That looks good on you.
Elrohir: Thank you
Varda: *Pulls El close again*
Elrohir: *is content just to snuggle in her arms*
Elrohir: Varda, why do you love me?
Varda: Beecause I have always seen a kind, caring, sweet soul when I've look at you. Because yours is a kind, caring, sweet soul who I gained as a friend and had the chace to get to know deeper.
Elrohir: oh...
Varda: *Strokes*
Elrohir: *sighs*