I want to see my family; I got to go home, I have been so alone you see.

Jan 16, 2015 15:36

❝reading list 2015❞

updated 03.06.15
meant to record what i am reading, as well as keep track as to what i would like to read/what i have read. in alphabetical order by author's last name.

*re-reading does not count for anything in this list.
therefore, unless it is reread in the same year: it will not be posted as 're-read/ing'

The Faded Sun: Kutath by C.J. Cherryh | (reading)
The Odysessy by Homer | (read)
To Green Angle Tower by Tad Williams | (reading)

--All essays are considered "read" once on this list.
Agamemnon by Aeschylus
The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus

Short Stories & Short Story Collections
The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce by Ambrose Bierce | (reading)
- 01. Haita The Shepherd | 02. The Secret of Macarger's Gulch | 03. The Eyes of the Panther | 04. The Stranger
The Collected Short Fiction of C.J. Cherryh by C.J. Cherryh | (reading)
- 01. The Only Death in the City | 02. The Haunted Tower | 03. Ice

--All essays are considered "read" once on this list.
"Hamlet" by T.S. Eliot (1920)
"Naturalism and its Discontents in The Miller's Tale" by Mark Miller (2000)

--All articles are considered "read" once on this list.
"Ghosts in the House" by Hilton Als (The New Yorker)
"'Voice' Isn't the Point of Writing" by Noah Berlatsky (The Atlantic)
"A Brief History of Catholic Claims to Shakespeare" by Adam Chandler (The Atlantic)
"Fantasy and the Buffered Self" by Alan Jacobs (The New Atlantis)
"Lost in Translation?" by Ronald Kelts (The New Yorker)
"The Possibility of Progress" by Jeremy Kessler (The New Atlantis)
"Björk's Vulnicura Is the Definition of Devastating" by Spencer Kornhaber (The Atlantic)
"The Pluto Wars Revisted" by Michael Lemonick (The New Yorker)
"A Far Other Butterfly" by Wilfred M. McClay (The New Atlantis)
"A Little Bot of Galactic Possibility" by Robinson Meyer (The Atlantic)
"When T.S. Eliot Invented the Hipster" by Karen Swallow Prior (The Atlantic)
"The Uncanny Power of Weird Fiction" by Jeff Vandermeer (The Atlantic)

--All poetry is considered "read" once on this list.
"Holy Sonnets: Batter my heart, three-person'd God" by John Donne
"Malamute" by Timothy Donnelly
"Fortress" by Yusef Komunyakaa
"Feel Free" by Nick Laird
"Measure for Measure" by Rowan Ricardo Phillips
"Louse Hunting" by Isaac Rosenberg
"Birthday" by Christina Rossetti
"Oblivion" by Kevin Young

What I Would Like to Read
Eugene Onegin by Aleksandr Pushkin
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

reading list

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