Hi. I am helping with developing a medieval LARP and one of the co conspirators wrote a Gamer Girl Survey. She then asked me to pass it on to my friends. I pass it on under the cut un edited by myself. Please take a look and help give Hallie, myself and a small group others feedback. And you don't need to be a girl to fill it out.
Gamer Girl Survey
Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Your name isn’t on this, and I’m not concerned with what you think is fair. I want to know what you think is fun. They are very different sometimes.
Not all of the questions are going to have an answer that matches yours perfectly; just pick the one that is closest. If there really isn’t anything that works, make a note of what your answer would be.
Why am I here, anyway?
0 - Escape! Real life sucks, I want fantasy.
0 - It’s all about the costuming.
0 - It’s all about hanging out with friends.
0 - Two words: Drama Geek.
0 - Excellent question. I’m not really sure anymore…
0 - Other:
I am most active:
0 - in the morning.
0 - in the afternoon.
0 - in the evening.
0 - in the middle of the night.
When I pack for the game, I want to bring:
0 - an outfit, maybe two. Clean socks count as a second outfit.
0 - A couple of outfits, my bag of ‘things’ I’ve collected, maybe some jewelry.
0 - Enough clothing, accessories, and game memorabilia to outfit the space around where I sleep.
0 - Enough clothing, accessories, and game memorabilia to outfit the room where I sleep.
0 - So much clothing, accessories, and game memorabilia that I can’t take any passengers in my vehicle.
(If you picked 1 - 2): Is it okay if others bring more ‘stuff’ than I do?
0 - Yes, it adds to the game atmosphere.
0 - No, it makes the game cluttered. And where did they get all that stuff anyway?
(If you picked 3 - 5): Am I okay with others bringing as much ‘stuff’ to the game as I do?
0 - Yes, it adds to the game atmosphere.
0 - No, it makes my space less impressive.
I like my gaming world to be:
0 - fairly small. Recurring characters, consistent names, town-size roaming area.
0 - medium-sized. Recurring characters, but spread over several towns.
0 - large. You don’t bump into the same people much as you range over a Kingdom.
0 - huge. The world is my sandbox, and I want to see all of it.
When it comes to politics, I:
0 - can’t get enough! Bring on the intrigue!
0 - like a modest level of political influence to be evident, but only if it’s well done.
0 - like a modest level of political influence to be evident, but only if I can ignore it if I want to.
0 - would rather that I had to seek out political storylines.
0 - would rather that we all just got along.
How many combat encounters do I want to participate in during a weekend?
0 - 0. I don’t like combat.
0 - 1 or 2
0 - 3 or 4
0 - Lots!
Combat should:
0 - have to be sought out. If I don’t want to fight, I should be able to avoid it.
0 - come to common areas only occasionally.
0 - be found anywhere, at random times.
0 - always be going on somewhere.
Death should:
0 - be very infrequent. Death is bad.
0 - happen occasionally; we are adventurers, after all.
0 - be a fact of life; we’ve got magic, we can fix it.
When it comes to Player-Character Nobility, I:
0 - am a Princess! Where’s my cute servant boy?
0 - am perfectly comfortable with responsible players taking on noble titles, as long as it gives them no power over me.
0 - am perfectly comfortable with responsible players taking on noble titles.
0 - am somewhat comfortable with responsible players taking on noble titles, but I can see where issues would arise.
0 - am not really very comfortable with any player taking on a noble title; power corrupts.
Which are the functions of a really competent Plot team? (Choose all that apply)
0 - To create the framework of a story-world.
0 - To react as the players explore it.
0 - To create opportunities within it for the players to be involved.
0 - To introduce those opportunities to the players through Plot characters.
0 - To make sure that the players go down the ‘right’ story-path through Plot characters.
0 - To correct players ‘mistakes’ through Plot characters.
When faced with a problem, I want:
0 - the answer to be clear, as long as I’m thinking in the right direction.
0 - the answer to be clear, pretty much no matter what.
0 - there to be more than one answer, equally correct.
0 - there to be two answers: easy but costly, hard but rewarding.
0 - there to be no good answer; all options carry a cost.
When an encounter goes “bad”, Plot should:
0 - allow the encounter to run its course, and then do damage control.
0 - alter the encounter as it is being run in order to avoid the problem.
0 - end the encounter in whatever manner necessary, and then try it again later.
0 - allow the encounter to run its course, and the players must do their own damage control.
How important is it to me that there are other women playing the game?
0 - It isn’t. If there are only a few of us, we get more attention.
0 - Somewhat. I’ll play anyway, but I’d be happier with more women around.
0 - Very. I probably won’t stay long if I see that I’m only one of a handful in a huge group of guys.
0 - Extremely. If we’re outnumbered four to one, I don’t want to play.
0 - I honestly couldn’t care less, either way.
How important is it that the women are treated the same as the men?
0 - Very. I see no reason that either men or women should be anything other than ‘player’ to the Plot team.
0 - Somewhat, but if it happens that something targets one or the other on occasion, it’s not a big deal.
0 - I never really thought about it, and I don’t really care either way.
0 - Actually… I’d rather be singled out sometimes, for being female.
How much time do I reasonably think I’d spend writing my character background?
How much time do I reasonably think I’d spend putting together my costuming?
How often would I be comfortable attending a one-day game?
How often would I be comfortable attending a two-day game?
Pick a time period, any time period: What’s my favorite? (Examples: Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, Renaissance Italy, Victorian England, Colonial America, etc.)
What is the one thing that would immediately cause me to pack up my toys and go home?
What is the one thing that would make it worth staying, even if the game wasn’t what I wanted it to be?
Are you involved in a LARP right now?
0 - Yes
0 - No
If no… why?
If yes… why do you stay?
What question should I have asked? (Please answer it, too!)
Please return to: evilwhitecat@yahoo.com