well I stole this from someone, but I think you all should know my confessions!
0. I WISH PPL WOULDN'T THINK I'M A BITCH FOR NO FUCKING REASON!!(especially when they've never had a real conversation with me before-you know who you are!)
1.i like spending time with my family
2.i love hanging out with my friends
3.i like being by myself
4.i am really jealous of people
5.i wish i was someone else most of the time
6.i am really scared of the dark
7.i LOVE scary movies
8.i am an extremely picky eater
9.i need to start eating healthier because it's starting to show that i'm not (don't comment on that)
10.I wish i was a leader not a follower
11.i am a bitch (sorry)
12.im stuck up
13.i'm brutially honest
14.i am scared of commitement
15.but at the same time i want to be in a relationship so bad
16.i really want to find someone to love
17.i want to fall in LOVE
18.i love thunderstorms but they scare me
19.i love playing in the rain
20.i want someone to kiss in the rain
21.when i like someone i cant keep it to myself
22.i don't like my freckles
23.i have really low self esteem
24.i wish i was pretty (don't comment on that)
25.i compare myself to other people A WHOLE LOT!!
26.i love talking on the internet
27.but i hate talking on the phone
28.i feel weird in a lot of situations
29.i lie to get myself out of uncomfortable situations
30.i like watching reality shows
31.i love lookin' at lj's
32.i want to lie on the beach and just fall asleep in someones arms
33.im scared to disappoint my mom and dad
34.im scared to lie or disobay** my mom and dad
35.im really terrified of death
36.i think im real ugly (don't comment on that)
37.i wish i had a higher self esteem
38.ghetto people scare me
39.i dont understand the way i act in front of guys i like
40.im intimidated by guys sometimes
41.i sometimes wish i my life was differnt
42.people really piss me off a lot
43.i hate hipocrats**
44.i keep my feelings bottled up
45.im a great listener
46.that's why i like it when ppl vent on me!
47.i'm kinda noisy
48. cause i like to know what's goin on
49.im scared to talk to people about certain topics
50.i really open up the way i want to to some people
51.i don't really know how to approach the guy i like
52.i always get hurt cause of dumb crushes
53.i wish i was that girl that people talk about thats so gorgeous
54.i love my friends
55.i am happy with my life but i just wish some things were differnt
56.i wish i were more outgoing
57.i wish i found a guy who liked me for ME!
58.if someone's relative died i don't know what to say to them
59.i'm scared to be left home alone when it's dark
60.i'm scared someone's gonna invade my house when i'm home alone at night
61.i wish i had better features
63.i love cheerleading and all of the girls on it!
64.i wish i took better pictures
65.i get annoyed by immature ppl
66.i get annoyed by ppl who are stupid even if it's not their fault
67.i can't stand little noises
68.i can't stand to hear ppl breathing heavily
69.i don't like ppl lookin' over my shoulder
70.i wish i weren't so tall
71.i wish i didn't weigh so much so i could fly because i think with my good balance and ok flexibility i wouldn't be so bad at it
72.i don't like ppl picking me up because i think i weigh too much
73.i'm extremely self conscious like you wouldn't even know!
74.i refuse to drive an ugly car
75.i want my belly button pierced
76.but i think i'm too self conscious to show it off
78.i don't let ppl see me without makeup-especially not guys
79.i'm really insecure
80.i don't like it when ppl stare at me
81.i'm really fidgety!
82.i don't like ppl seein' me in lounging clothes (sweats)
83.i'm a perfectionist
84.i'm not creative
85.i'm scared of lesbians, but i love gay guys(they're sweet shoppers)
86.i hate to read
87.i miss my deceased aunt and grandfather
88.i can be really risky sometimes
89.i love bein a dare devil
90.i like to party
91.i'm scared to die
92.i love board games!
93.i love hockey and baseball!
94.i love writing notes as well as receiving them
95.i'm kinda shy and i let ppl come talk to me instead of vice versa
96.i care WAY TOO MUCH about what ppl think of me
97.i hate my arms
98.as much as i love my family they annoy the shit out of me
99.i don't like to talk to my mom because i get easily annoyed by her and try to drain her out
100.alot of ppl don't really know me at all
well there's alot more where that came from! but i'm gonna go so i'll ttyl! peace out