So this is a little weird...

Aug 07, 2005 22:07

Yesterday morning I was walking across the street back to work.  I have to take the deposit to the bank every morning (that I work anyway) and since the bank is across the street from the Blockbuster I always just walk.  Now... Blockbuster policy is that I drive the deposit over... and I always thought that was a little weird and a pain in the ass.  Now I understand why.  I got hit by a car.

I'll repeat that... I got hit by a car. But don't worry, I'm fine.  ^^ I was in the crosswalk, and the guy was turning left and didn't notice me.  I ran to get past him... and almost made it.  He hit me on my right leg, I spun and ended up face first on the pavement.  A lady in the next lane over... waiting for th light to turn so she could go left, saw the whole thing and called 9-11.  The guy who hit me was freaking out...
It's weird... I never lost conciousness but even as I think about what happened I feel like details are missing. A few minutes later a fire truck arrived and they came out to see how I was doing (at this point some other lady had stopped and gave me a couple of baby wipes to wipe the blood off my face.) Also, luckily, Brandon (one of my co-workers) was at the bank and noticed I was the one the Firemen were attending too.  I was able to give him my keys so that the store could be opened (at this point it was almost 10 and that opening time^^).  I wanted to go myself... but the lady who witnessed it would let me go until the Fire Truck arrived... just in case I broke something (which I didn't).

The Firemen put one of those neck braces on me and walked me to the other side of the street in order to keep out of the way of traffic.  At this point, two police officers had arrived and were talking to the guy who hit me and the lady who witnessed it and made the call.  The Firemen took my blood pressure. shinned that flashlight thing in my eyes, and preformed a couple of other tests to make sure I was okay.  Also... they discovered they put the brace on wrong ad had to re-do it.  At this point they were tellign me that they wanted to strap me to one of those boards and take me to the Hospital for X-rays... you know, just to be safe.

Well... at first I said no.  I hate Hospitals, I hate doctors... and I was already sure that I would be in serious trouble with work.  They talked to me some more and told me that if I let them go now I'd have to sign some sort of release.  I thought about it a little (and most of th things they said were hard to hear since at least 4 people were talking to me and asking me things at one time) and I said maybe I should og to the Hospital.
Then I thought about it a little more and asked them, "Wait... would I have to pay for it?"  They said I'd get a bill for it and that the Ambulance ride would be $400 on it's own... not to mention the X-rays... and mean-while I'd probbably be waiting all day for them to see me anyway.  They said that money shouldn't be my only concern right now, but there's no fucking way I was gonna go for all that.  I signed the refusal report and after giving me some stuff to bandage myself up with they were on their way.

The cop asked me a few questions about what happened, and I told him everything that happened.  I then returned to work to clean myself up and let Brandon take off (since his shift wasn't until 5 pm and it was almost 11 am).  The cop came back and gave me my copy of the police report that was filed.  That way I'd have all the guy's insurance information and stuff incase it was needed.

That was yesterday.  Today I'm still feeling alright, despite some nasty looking marks on my face, and still not going to the hospital.  I'm feeling alright, luckily the guy wasn't going very fast, and I'm sure in a couple of days I'll be as good as new.  Just thought I should at least post all this so everyone knew what happened.

Different, huh?  ^_^
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