Summer poll!

Jul 06, 2009 00:11

Because we all love 'em! 10 arbitrary summer-related questions.

Gimme! )

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Comments 11

silver_love July 6 2009, 08:03:57 UTC
Bah, too many things I can't decide on XD

Tanning... I like being pale, but I also just love bathing in the sun, not for the tan, but for the warmth.

Love both berries, but strawberries take the cake.

Can't I have milk? XD Can't swallow even a mouthfull of beer, with cider I can do that.

Swimming? Anywhere clean! But I prefer lakes the most.

Mosquitoes, blech XP

Grass feels awesome under your feet. So does sand. But still, it's grass.

Champignons with... tuorejuusto? and wrapped in bacon : ) My brother grills delicious beef.

Medieval fairs is where I meet a lot of friends I can't meet everyday, ie. larpers. Grill parties are also awesome, though depending on the people present. I would like to go on a pride march, just to experience it.

John Travolta doesn't really mean anything to me.

Bears in the city XD No, I have to say that what makes summer for me, is the warmth, birds, flowers, grass and trees.

You do such nice polls : ) sorry that I haven't been commenting actively x.x


vastatuuli July 7 2009, 18:57:31 UTC
So I succeeded ; ) Thank you!

Lying in the sun for the warmth is a totally different thing. I love doing that too! And I'm the same with beer & cider, though I prefer to stay away from both. Champignons with any cheese are delicious, actually!

I'd like to go on a Pride march one day too. Definitely.


silver_love July 8 2009, 08:58:20 UTC
Sometimes I feel like a lizard... need solar energy XD Tero says that I have tea-motor, because I drink so much tea...
Alcohol tastes bad XP
We're having the guys over for a grill party next week... hopefully we'll get to make those!
A bunch of my friends were at the Pride march this year... Said they had a good time.


wgarv July 6 2009, 09:02:11 UTC
Täytyy kommentoida muutamaa juttua:

En varsinaisesti harrasta auringonottamista mutta rusketun ulkona helposti. Ratsastusleirin jäljiltä on naamani ja käsivarteni todella ruskeat ja muu kroppa tosi kalpea.

Uimisesta pidän ja järvessä uinti alasti on aivan parasta. Tulee vain tilaisuksia kovin harvoin.

Meillä ei ole omaa grilliä mutta jonkun kerran kesässä tulee aina tilaisuuksia grillailla ystävien kesken. Viimeksi ratsastusleirillä pari viikkoa sitten. Siellä maistoin ensi kerran hevosenlihaa. Paikan omistajan tutulta oli jouduttu laittamaan iäkäs hevonen teuraaksi ja hänkin oli saanut pakkaseen jokusen palan. Oikein maukasta ja mureaa.


vastatuuli July 7 2009, 18:59:48 UTC
Sama täällä! En tykkää rusketusraidoista mutta niitä tulee ihan tahtomatta...

Nimenomaan, ilkosillaan uintiin tarvitaan mökki ja rauhaa. Parasta kesässä kyllä.

Meinasin kysyä miten pystyit maistamaan hevosenlihaa, mutta toisaalta, kun kerran oot metsästystäkin harrastanut... Meetvursti on kyllä ihan hyvää, mutten tiedä söisinkö ihan hevosta. Ennakkoluuloja :)


wgarv July 10 2009, 06:47:16 UTC
Pieni korjaus: en ole harrastanut metsästystä, vain rata-ammuntaa. Mutta olen kai sen verran maalainen taustaltani (molemmat vanhemmat maalta kotoisin) että näen hevosen kuitenkin hyötyeläimenä. Ja kun hevosta on pidetty hyvin ja hoidettu kunnolla niin, että sen voi sanoa eläneen hyvän elämän, niin on se silloin eettisempää lihaa kuin vaikkapa tehosikaloiden tuotokset.

Kaikille ei hevosenliha leirilläkään maistunut. Osa kokee hevoset liian läheisiksi ja ymmärrän hyvin tuonkin puolen. Sitten kun Pullasta ( ) aika jättää, niin en ole suinkaan varma miten suhtautuisin ajatukseen sen pistämisestä lihoiksi.


dustofempires July 6 2009, 12:00:59 UTC
John Travolta =P

And I wasn't sure whether I should've chosen festivals, cause I always tend up hating them after having been to them =P but still they're such a typical Summer thing and I miss them when I don't go..


vastatuuli July 7 2009, 19:01:25 UTC
I know, isn't Travolta just essential in every summer? ;D

Yep, festivals are a big part of summer for me too. They just don't beat grill parties and I don't always feel at home there, so.


dustofempires July 8 2009, 11:03:04 UTC
Yep, grill parties was my second choice as well =P


hibernaldream July 7 2009, 02:24:26 UTC
I had issues answering the last one because it's summer here in Vegas all year long, and it all pretty much stays the same (no life, no rain and the only bug season is when the cockroaches come out). :-P


vastatuuli July 7 2009, 19:04:47 UTC
Sorry, I didn't think of that. Not that it was a very scientific poll anyway :) But I'm so happy we don't have cockroaches!


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