Stay away from the silver-eyed she-beats that roam this place. A more violent sect of harpies I've never seen, and I say this as someone who shares houseroom with Lady.
Watch the one named Clare. She's the reason I lost a week regenerating an arm.
And I'm reminded I need to find more parts for my ward. Some will be simple: I can use animal skulls for them, but others...Well. That might be a little harder to do. Unless I have volunteers.
Also, I need to make another trip to the library. And look into these keys Lady's been harping on about. Joy of joys, and the wonder of women. Truly.
Lady: Have you seen my notebook. It's not where I last left it. Frisk Dante to find it if you have to. Not that I think he took it. It would require reading.
Keys to that door. One has to wonder.