MOD UPDATE | 6/5/11

Jun 05, 2011 14:57


✗ The FRIENDS ADD, TAKEN CHARACTERS, PLAYER CONTACT, RESIDENCY POST, and other things have been updated. Don't forget to comment to any of the pages if you have yet to do so!

✗ Two new apartment buildings have been added to the residency page!

✗ Activity check danger list is up over here!

✗ Here are all of the recent adds for the previous app round! Please update your f-lists over here!

friend add aselfishwish
friend add belleblanche
friend add aurathread
friend add earthsight
friend add garudyneinstyle
friend add heroistics
friend add iamsoproud
friend add shounenphelps
friend add flowerywinter
friend add nippon_ga_yo
friend add princessprodigy
friend add idontkissfrogs
friend add the_masonator
friend add sneakypasta
friend add cardinalist
friend add meddlefussyfang
friend add manic_episodes
friend add bodyofswords
friend add inkedhistory
friend add silversandwich
friend add gimmesweets
friend add brbdestroying
friend add oldestfriend
friend add hatetodismiss
friend add 7threplacement
friend add itskidflash
friend add vendorcycle
friend add antiderp
friend add vermillionlotus
friend add witchofthedorm
friend add northernitaly
friend add rarestone
friend add letsgoonmyouji
friend add beganinthe12th
friend add chosen_derp
friend add idk_mybffkeith
friend add genocidalcure
friend add damenotsuna
friend add vaultstuck
friend add platinumdawn
friend add origamikillah
friend add wheresmyniisan
friend add quasiroyal
friend add tajadoru
friend add ecruteaksghost
friend add lovethemsomuch
friend add anoldaspect
friend add kruehe
friend add loserenma
friend add smilemankai
friend add elder_shibata
friend add 5pider_man
friend add meteorcrush
friend add noghostsplzkthx
friend add brbstealingpknm
friend add imaginedsoldier
friend add thestrongestin
friend add artistofwater
friend add thiefer
friend add thoseshoesrule
friend add shadow_ball
friend add reigningmen
friend add enoughbastard
friend add thegoldhearted
friend add finingyou
friend add love4monochrome
friend add fungify
friend add trickfox
friend add raisesthesteaks
friend add yuliafonichymns
friend add wifedom
friend add trainedprincess
friend add soulburns
friend add yaysquirrel
friend add licoricebears
friend add tamapinsting
friend add hazard_tomyself
friend add trollinurshadow
friend add strawhathealer
friend add brightcrestaqua
friend add royalsheikah
friend add grandiloquenced
friend add neutral_loli


✗ It's curse time again! And this one is a doozy. While Vatheon is quite a calm little bubble under the sea, this week Vatheon has turned into something different. Those characters in the know might most remember this week's curse theme as something known as an MMORPG. What does that stand for? A Massive Mutliplayer Online Role-Playing Game!

Think of your run of the RPG with mages and knights and the like with... an underwater twist! Here's some specifics:

- Your character will realize on Sunday that they're suddenly painfully aware of their username. Yes, that username you chose for your character journal is now their handle in this RPG game they've been stuck in.

- There are HEALTH and MANA bars above their head, telling how much they have left. It's easy enough to see but unfortunately, everyone can see it. Don't worry though, each character will come with THREE EXTRA LIVES at their disposal.

- Each character is also given a class to choose. There's your normal mages, knights, priests, etc etc yet there's also some nifty ones like mermaids and gypsies -- even werewolves! This one is a bit tricky but we're giving you guys a large amount of freedom with this. As always, if you're unsure, just ask a moderator and they'll help you out as best they can. Note: Some classes in the link above such a SUMMONER are disabled. Use common sense! Though, again, question? Just ask!

- Halfway during the week or when your character reaches "level 10", your character will find a menu pop up in front of them asking them to choose a SECONDARY CLASS. Choose wisely!

- On the flipside, all normal powers your character has had are NULL. Meaning, when they choose a class -- they can only use powers from that class. Fortunately though, we're giving you all freedom with this too!

- There will be quests located all throughout the city for your character to do, from something simple like saving a cat to something big like saving a local from a small dragon. Though the more fight orientated quests will be located in the FOREST and PIRATE SHIP quadrants. The carnival and city will be on the safer side. Note: Quests are player chosen! So, again, up to you. The mods will only step in if to give tips or something of the like.

- Any damage done to the city will be returned to normal at the end of the week, no worries. Yet, there WILL be a dueling contest on Saturday for those who's characters have a high enough level (Level 30!) Feel free to assume that around Wednesday, IC announcements will be put up advertising it. There might even be a surprise at the end!

- At level 15 your character can gain mounts such as horses and chocobos and pterodactyls -- unfortunately they'll disappear at the end of the week too.

- The locals will be dressed in theme and the shops will change to fit the theme too. Unfortunately though, the locals are not doing their best to hide their amusement. Such a shame!

- Go crazy! Our only wish is no game breaking.

- THIS CURSE IS NOT MANDATORY. YOUR CHARACTERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE EFFECTED BY IT. IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want your characters to just sit around, drink mead, and laugh at everyone elses shenanigans -- feel free!

I know this is a lot to take in but if you have any questions, just ask! We really want this to be an enjoyable curse for everyone.

Cal is away this week so direct your questions to Dees or Squee! Thanks!


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