First ❀ Prayer ❀ Slip

Dec 01, 2010 08:52

Characters: fox_wench and vatheon
Location: Main Plaza
When: Morning
Style: Any!
Status: Open like the front of her kimono

[Wet. Had she fallen into the sea from atop her castle? Hardly possible, really, considering that she had filled the place with lava and kept her tower far from the sea. So, then, why is she soaked to the bone? In fact... How is she even alive? Last she could recall, she had been slain by the mutt, Amaterasu. Lord Yami would not be pleased, not in the slightest. She had failed to rid Nippon of that pesky sun goddess, and also had failed in obtaining all of Ryoshima Coast. The only success she'd had, really, was eliminating that annoying priestess and her beloved Queen Himiko. Not too bad, but still not the best.

Still. That doesn't answer any questions. So she stands, almost surprised to find herself within the form of the dead priestess once more. A convenient tool, really, and one she plans on using quite a lot now. She dusts herself off, then looks around. Hair is plastered over her missing eye--she can feel it there, and it's annoying. And her clothes are utterly soaked. Bah, she'll have to replace them.]

...My, my, where is this...?

amaterasu, bayonetta, anthony j. crowley, yamato no orochi, yoshiya kiryu, ninetales (rao), enjin hiizumi

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