CHARACTERS: Kuwabara Kazuma, Urameshi Yusuke, and Tonoumine Hajime
LOCATION: Kuwabara, Yusuke and Hajime's house.
TIME: early morning the next day after
this struggle. and very backdated of course!
STYLE: First/Third? IDK something in between.
STATUS: Closed
Kuwabara upon retreating with Yusuke on his back was rather exhausted from all the physical abuse he had received while trying to get the other teen to come back with him. Yusuke still had the problem with sleep fighting and it was one hell of a crazy one. He swore Yusuke was probably more deadly in his sleep then when he was awake. He managed to lug the other teen on his back all the way back to the house. He was half limping since he was hurt in various of areas and suddenly, Yusuke felt so much heavier than before.
The only problem was, Kuwabara so damn tired that he wasn't able to do much more than to fall on his face as she groaned. Well, at least he could try to get Hajime to come out and help if he was home but getting the doorbell was a little difficult. Kuwabara finally hit the ground with a faint thump. He's so tired and exhausted right now he doesn't even know what to make of the situation. He probably wanted to sleep and the cold concrete felt almost too nice against his feverish skin from all the walking.
"....Geez, I really need ta stop doing this kind of labour," he groaned as he closed his eyes. Kuwabara would probably be knocked out at this point now since there was no way he could keep awake at this point. Yusuke was still on his back though...and he felt even heavier by the second as Kuwabara was losing consciousness.