A thoughtful (more or less) person has carried the magic banjo outside, leaving it near the corral. It still glows faintly, as if it is beckoning people to play it. The kraken, surprisingly, doesn't try to break the instrument. Then again, it is a magic banjo. Maybe it just doesn't want to touch that with a ten foot tentacle.
ooc explanation )
... and maybe try to play it.
so she tries. she plucks at the strings a little, wincing a little herself as she realizes that she's just not very good at this, is she? ]
The kraken displays his displeasure with some annoyed grumbling and his tentacles stir.
Think fast, before he really gets angry!]
um. um. um. okay. um.
she strums the banjo once. well, it was actually a nicer sound than it was the last time, but it wasn't gonna help her much if she couldn't do much more than that, right? |D;; ]
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