The Jist of it All
I. Wesleyan: the 20 Credit Semester
A) Introductory German II
1. Ich spreche Deutsch sehr gut überhaupt nicht, aber ich bedenke Studium im Ausland während des Sommers.
B) Creative Non-fiction
C) Playwrights: August Wilson
D) Physical Geography
E) College Algebra
F) Editors in the Workshop
1. I get 1 credit for spending 8+ hours in the editing room every other Tuesday.
G) Rehearsal & Performance: The Servant of Two Masters
1. I got the part of Truffaldino, the character whom the play is named.
H) Gay Straight Alliance
1. Made Ginny co-president because I have once again over-booked myself.
1. I'm still the radio station manager, but I don't really have as much respect for Dr. Minnis anymore... so running WVAW is awkward. I took his Advanced Video course last semester, once again and once again got stuck with a shitty group [I hate group work]. When one of my group members LIED about the amount of involvement he had with the project on our peer evaluations [he didn't do ANYTHING until the last week of class], Minnis wrote me an e-mail and told me that I wasn't fit for a career in film. So I switched my Mass Comm major from Media Studies to Journalism. It's not like you'd get a good education in film making at a college that doesn't actually shoot on film anyway. I've pretty much lost all respect for the movies. THEATRE IS A PURE ART FORM! Modern movies are little more than übercommercials. Don't even get me started on television.
2. No one has any motivation. Radio at Wesleyan is NOT what it used to be. But then again... nothing at Wesleyan is. Everyone I really connected with has graduated or transferred or dropped out. I have a few people there that I really like... but... it's still not the same. It never can be.
J) Sigma
1. I am unintentionally neglecting Sigma this semester. I moved off campus, out of the suite... and I just don't ever feel like waiting around campus
for hours and hours to do Sigma stuff. Everything is completely different when you commute. I'm never around, so I don't get the inside jokes... and I don't get invited to stuff because I am impossible to get a hold of (more on that later). But I'm okay with it... because I have learned to prioritize my life more efficiently and it's just not as important as it used to be. Don't get me wrong... I love my sisters and I LOVE being a Sigma. But there are other things I need to focus on right now that take priority over that. For instance... I want to graduate. A lot. Heh.
II. Jobs
A) Auntie Anne's
1. I worked at Auntie Anne's [the pretzel thing in the mall] from November until the end of January. Working there taught me a lesson in modesty. I realize that money is money and I really shouldn't be too proud to take any job. Besides prostitution. And the military.
2. This was probably the most fun I have ever had at any job. Why?
a) I got to wear jeans every day.
b) I worked with Grace and Whitney who are life-long friends. Sometimes you just know you're going to be friends with someone forever. I also worked with TJ [Whitney's twin brother] and Theresa. My friends are the only redeeming part of Hampton.
c) We made fun of the majority of our customers. To their faces.
B) The Banque
1. I retired AA's to begin working as a waitress at the Banque... a country bar in Norfolk. I worked over 8 hours each day that I worked. And I wasn't allowed to sit down during this time. I also didn't get a break and was harassed by asshole military guys. I made A LOT of money... but when it came down to it... it wasn't worth it. I don't like being nice to people who just plain don't deserve it. I'm nobody's sales girl. I'm nobody's servant.
C) Beach Market
1. Looks like I'll be going back. What can I say? I need the most amount of money for the smallest amount of work time [my schedule is INSANE and I can only work on the weekends]. It's under the table and it's good money.
a) This doesn't mean that I won't get in an enormous fight with my father [the owner] and quit in four weeks.
III. Family
A) Moni has a new girlfriend. I adore her!
B) I had to take mom to the hospital last saturday for problems with her heart.
1. I'm worried.
2. But I realize that I inherited my hypochondriasis from her.
C) My father is an ass. What's new?
D) Maria is becoming more and more like me every day. She will be the perfect little minion.
A) Tommorow is our 6 month anniversary. Wow.
B) I am so in love with her that it scares me.
1. I'm afraid that I am dependent on our relationship.
a) This is SO not me.
i.) I'm a loner;
ii.) A rebel.
C) Jealousy. Jealousy. Jealousy.
1. Everyone knows I have issues with it.
2. She knows I have issues with it.
a) I do not like her friend Jeremy.
b) I do not like him at all.
c) I do not like him in a hat.
d) I do not like him with a cat.
e) I do not like him in a house.
f) I do not like him with a mouse.
g) I do not like Jeremy at all.
h) And sometimes I visualize kicking him repeatedly in the face. Kicking, kicking, kicking. On the flat, rocky road. Street. Pavement. I mean 264-East.
ii.) Not that I'd ever do that to my shoes.
D) She makes me happy. She makes me better. Literally BETTER. I haven't smoked up in nearly 6 months, too. And I'm working on repairing my credit. I even got a bank account. I don't think about shooting myself every day anymore... and I am more compelled to write and create and just... agh!