hmd + contact + why would you type like that

May 22, 2010 20:44

how doth mine driving be?
anon on | ip off | screened

aim: honktraband
plurk: tableflip
PMs also ok

So being from Homestuck, Slick is made of courier. His "quirk" isn't actually a quirk because he's not a troll, but because he
a) doesn't give a fuck, and
b) has only one arm
he types like this:
bold courier
no punctuation and lots of linebreaks
no capital letters and youre out of luck if you dont like shitty puns
also fuck shit fucking damn swearing shit
Therefore, if you're not into it, leave me a comment and I won't abuse courier/the lack of punctuation/whatever for you. This post is a judge-free zone, as well.


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