Harry/Draco Fests in 2016

Jan 01, 2016 20:39

Harry/Draco Fests in 2016
As of: March 9, 2016

hd_remix vol. 8: March 2016 - Posting!

dracotops_harry: April 2016 - Announcement: Claiming is open! - Submissions are due March 20.

serpentinelion's Glompfest: May 2016 - Announcement - Submissions are due April 3.

harrydracompreg - Announcement: May 8 - June 18, 2016 - Prompting is open! - Submissions are due April 30.

hd_smoochfest: on hiatus in 2016 but back full force in 2017

hd_tropes Exchange Fest: July 2016? - Announcement

slythindor100's Harry/Draco LDWS #8: July 15 - September 9, 2016

bottom_draco Fest*: [not yet announced]

hd_familyfest - Announcement: September 10 - 25 (Prompting opens June 20!)

hd_fan_fair: October 2016 [not yet announced]

hd_fluff's Fluffy Halloween Fest: October 2016 [not yet announced]

hd_fanart's H/D Fanart Fest: November 2016 [not yet announced]

slythindor100's 25 Days of Harry/Draco: December 1 through 25, 2016

dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge: December 2016

hd_owlpost Winter Fest: December 2016

hd_erised: December 2016

Other Fests that may take place:
hdotp's H/D Ever After Fairytale Fest
hd_cliche Fest

Harry/Draco Fests in 2015 with all Masterlists.

For a list of masterlists of HP Fests on month by month order, see capitu's Harry Potter Fests 2016 and hp_masterlists. For all your other HP fest needs, go to potterfests.

* Not H/D only, but a lot of H/D.

Please let me know in comments whether there is new information for any of the fests listed, or if there are new fests happening. The post will be updated regularly, and reposted every three months.

2016 is here, 2016 hd fests

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