lol, is it sad that I know exactly what you're talking about?
God, I hate BBB SO MUCH. E o que mais me irrita é o quão hipócrita o programa é. O povo só vota no bonzinho, todo mundo age como se fosse uma ofensa capital você sacanear com um participante. Como se ninguém ali quisesse a grana... Eu não tenho nada contra baixaria, mas tem que ser descarada que nem Ratinho e Flovor of Love. O BBB me irrita porque tenta se passar como programa sério, quando na verdade é cheio de neandertais sarados e famewhores. ARGH. ODIO.
HA! Tava me perguntando algo parecido enquanto escrevia este post: "por que diabos consegui memorizar esse bando de informação inútil e não consigo lembrar de quase nada do meu Ensino Médio??" É a Síndrome de Letras dos Mamonas Assassinas -- praticamente todo mundo da geração de 80/90 sabem a letra de pelo menos uma música deles. Pode não ajudar a pagar suas contas mas você sabe a porcaria todinha
( ... )
i watch it even tough is ridiculous i just.. can't help it, haha. but sometimes i understand when someone starts to update so much about it.. starts to get really annoying.
I see no prob in that. :) It IS crack. It only starts to annoy the living Hell outta me when people get nuts, when they eat and breath BBB. Crack, while may be lulzy, will always be wack in the end. :S
I also can't stand this show. Everybody talks about it and stuff, and I just can't see how people can watch it seriously... I mean what the hell? ¬¬ It's not trashy fun like Ratinho, it's just crazy and disgusting.
I hear ya gurl. It's a question of taste, I believe. What really ticks me right off is the Frenzy McObsession about it -- it ticks me off real bad. *twitches*
These last days I spent on my grandmother's flat were terrible for one thing: sometimes I had to watch the damn show with her. Now I know not only the name of the (supposedly) homosexual one, Marcelo, but that he happens to be a psychiatrist too and that he's a major fake ass drama queen. And I hate him. Ye gods! D:
Only old school Ratinho could save us now, sis. HELP US, RATINHO KENOBI; YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE! @°_°@
PS: Have you seen Beowulf and Cloverfield yet? What did you think about it??
Comments 7
God, I hate BBB SO MUCH. E o que mais me irrita é o quão hipócrita o programa é. O povo só vota no bonzinho, todo mundo age como se fosse uma ofensa capital você sacanear com um participante. Como se ninguém ali quisesse a grana... Eu não tenho nada contra baixaria, mas tem que ser descarada que nem Ratinho e Flovor of Love. O BBB me irrita porque tenta se passar como programa sério, quando na verdade é cheio de neandertais sarados e famewhores. ARGH. ODIO.
These last days I spent on my grandmother's flat were terrible for one thing: sometimes I had to watch the damn show with her. Now I know not only the name of the (supposedly) homosexual one, Marcelo, but that he happens to be a psychiatrist too and that he's a major fake ass drama queen. And I hate him. Ye gods! D:
Only old school Ratinho could save us now, sis. HELP US, RATINHO KENOBI; YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE! @°_°@
PS: Have you seen Beowulf and Cloverfield yet? What did you think about it??
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