A Less-Brief-Than-It-Should-Be Introduction

Dec 12, 2020 17:36

Once upon a time, Kevin Jonas got married. For real. Not long after that, a skippy-newbie stumbled upon a post about it, noticed a comment about the subsequent necessity of various romance-novel-inspired fics involving ‘deflowering’ (and bodices), and responded in a flurry of caps and exclamation points. The original commenter replied, and before too long they were being quite politely asked to move the discussions of which of the boys should belong to the aristocracy, and whether the descriptor of ‘victorian spiderman’ or ‘victorian batman’ was more accurate, to some place more private where they wouldn’t jam up everyone’s inbox with comment notifications.

Somewhere around nine months later, the generic doctor-character in my head walks in to greet the grinning parents and says, ‘congratulations, it’s a ...thing.” That is, what we really have here is a universe more scattered and uneven than most of my thought processes, and that’s saying something. A universe so cracky we feel the need to remind the audience that it can’t actually give you a chemical high (though if symptoms persist, see your doctor), and so extremely soap-operatic that you’re bound to come out on the end squeaky clean and singing.

It’s choose-your-own adventure not because, dear reader, we actually let you decide what happens (we’re far too attached to our current version of events for that), but because we realized pretty early on that when you give every minor character a backstory, when you follow every tangent through until it’s beaten like the proverbial dead horse, you’re bound to have some sub-plots that various of your hypothetical readership will not be particularly interested in--might even actively dislike. Therefore we have, to put it inelegantly, tagged the shit out of this stuff. We have every entry, every story and drabble and ficlet, tagged by what characters are in it, what band they’re from, where the story takes place, and which, if any, of our major narrative arcs it fits into.

In consideration of the fact that some might choose to read this way, picking and choosing, we’ve compiled a cast of characters, with a picture and a brief description of their place in the ‘verse for each tagged person. We also have a tag for each of our tighter narrative arcs and a list which details the contents of each. Of course, if you decide to just read whatever we throw at you, we’ve got everything arranged in chronological order following the primer post.

In any case, we really hope there are some people out there who enjoy this--we had such a blast writing we broke the internet four times, though, so even if you don’t, I think we’ve still already gotten our moneys’ worth. And so, without further ado, psuedo_catalyst and akire_yta are pleased to present ...The Victorian Batman AU!

rating: we recommend MA, given the themes of prostitution, language and class warfare, just to be on the safe side.
warnings: sex and prostitution; abuse and neglect of period language; some swearing; some violence; airships; complete lack of ripped bodices.
pairings: mike/kevin; macy misa/greta salpeter; bob bryar/spencer smith(/victoria asher); cash colligan/alex deleon; alex marshall/ian crawford, pete wentz/ashlee simpson; ryan ross/brendon urie
disclaimer: so not real. these people own themselves. the City is ours, though. Please don’t google yourself.


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