Title: Thicker Than Water Author: sandrine Pairing: Damon/Matt Rating: PG-13 Summary: He's come to associate the coppery, salty-sweet taste of blood in his mouth with Damon Salvatore. (A five + 1 things ficlet.) Disclaimer: The characters belong to people with more power and money than me. I'm only borrowing them for a while; no copyright infringement
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I'm sorry if this is not allowed but I wondering if someone take graphics request. Could someone make me quick and simple light bluish Jeremy/Anna, Jeremy or Caroline/Klaus header include my username? =) And I wish that width is 1000px, height doesn't matter.
Title: Tabula Rasa Author: choccofrog Pairing: Damon/Jeremy (TV series) Rating: Teen/PG-15 Words: approx. 1,350 Warnings: Underage kissing? Angst. Spoilers: Up to 1x07 (Haunted) Summary: What if Damon made Jeremy forget more than just Vicki?
Title: Too Close For Comfort Author: choccofrog Pairing: Klaus/Rebekah Rating: Teen/PG-15 Words: approx. 2,100 Warnings: Incest, implied underage (we don't know how old they were in canon) & angst Spoilers: Up to 3x14 (Dangerous Liasons) Disclaimer: Only the story is mine, the rest isn't! Summary: Written for inti_chan’s prompt in the tvd_originalscomment ficathonThe prompt was
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