"Twin Peaks" - the complete series has been finally released on DVD. Package includes complete two seasons, pilot episode, a collection of "Twin Peaks" post cards and a bunch of video extras
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The new Radiohead album "In Rainbows" will be available for download from their website on October 10th. CDs and vinyls will be up for sale starting December 3rd through their website only, for around £40.00. The good news is that the downloadable version will cost however much you want it to. Cool.
Also some proposals for the title of the next installment:
"The Bourne Referendum" "The Bourne Consilium" "The Bourne Consensus" "The Bourne Жыфф" "Тhe Bourne Primary" "The Bourne Non-binding Resolution" "The Bourne Impeachment" "The Bourne Gerrymandering" "Bourne: Return of the Desh"
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