Students, please be aware that there will be major project assignments given within the next week. Please form your groups in advance to coming to Arithmancy.
Private to Staff
All is well in Vector-land. And you?
/Private to Staff
I have copied my letter to my sister on here. I cannot say any further than what is already in its contents.
My Dearest Sister,
I hope this letter finds you well. Your vacation was relaxing, I'm sure. I bring much news from Hogwarts. Some of it you will enjoy, others you will not. I also seek your advice regarding certain things. But first, to the most important subject in our lives - family.
Chad is displaying every one of the Warrington genes I so willfully despise. He's hard headed, impulsive, and just plain stupid at times. I really don't understand how he can be so much like his father. Douglass ought to be proud that his boy is on his way towards a life of crime. I wish I could divulge more to you but my nephew has sworn me to secrecy. Just know that it is not all good news.
I hope, dear Sister, that you have kept a very keen eye on your other sons. I fear that Douglass is pushing them into doing things they ought not be involved in. As you can tell, my opinion of my brother-in-law has not changed since you brought home the news of your engagement. I feel that, this time, Douglass' affairs will have a permanently negative impact on our family.
In other news, I have a secret to tell you. I believe that I am slowly becoming fond of Mark Anthony Travers. Yes, that Mark Anthony. I remember writing you a letter about his behaviour towards me a few months prior. His feelings have escalated, Ada. He claimed just the other night that he was in love with me! Love! I told him that he was wrong but he insisted. He's taking me out to dinner on Valentine's Day. Can you imagine?
This fondness has gotten me worried. I've been in love (or so I've thought) before but it's just different once you approach a certain age. I'm not looking to a family immediately, but the thought has always lingered in the back of my mind. Here is a man who actually wants me and will love me. Should I take the plunge? I'm going too fast now; we even haven't had our first date yet. There are just so many things I'm confused about.
I will write you more about this predicament I have found myself in. If all else fails, I will resign myself to being the old maid of Vector. It suits my personality enough.
Your sister,