Busy week!

May 02, 2004 19:59

Wow! I'm sorry I haven't been around to read or comment but RL has been insane. Nothing bad, just general insanity. I'm trying to catching up on everyone's posts but it seems a bit overwhelming at the moment. Please forgive me if my comments to your posts are a late.

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Comments 7

garryowen May 3 2004, 01:56:33 UTC
vectordog May 3 2004, 02:34:40 UTC
I hope things go well and that she's okay. Any idea when we might hear from her? I imagine it will be a few weeks.


wilde_thing May 3 2004, 03:40:48 UTC
Had friends over last night and we watched the animated movie Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman on the Cartoon Network. It was fun. I was amazed by the people doing the voices: Kyra Sedgewick, Kelly Rippa, and a lot of other well known personalities.

Did you know that the Batman: The Animated Series is going to be out on DVD soon. Here is the link.


wilde_thing May 3 2004, 03:42:47 UTC
Forgot to add, they are out July 6th.


vectordog May 3 2004, 05:43:31 UTC
Thanks for the link! =)


meret May 3 2004, 03:49:31 UTC
Anyone have any hints on how to blend a neck area? Do you fade the edges together??

I try to find an image of the person I want where the head is at the same angle, then cut along the jaw line and paste it over the base. Occasionally I'll need to blur it a bit, but that's about it. I hope that helps.


vectordog May 3 2004, 05:46:55 UTC
Well that explains it! I kept trying to merge the pictures somewhere mid neck and they ended up looking more like Frankenstein rejects than sexy hot boys. *facepalms*

Thanks for the tip!


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